- Petauke, auch Old Petauke oder Petauka, ist ein Ort mit 29.700 Einwohnern (2010) an der Great East Road in der Ostprovinz in Sambia. Er liegt etwa 1020 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel und ist Sitz der Verwaltung des gleichnamigen Distrikts mit 235.879 Einwohnern (Volkszählung 2000). Die Entfernung nach Lusaka beträgt 380 Kilometer, nach Chipata 130 Kilometer. Dominierende Sprache ist Nsenga. (de)
- Petauke es una localidad, capital de su distrito, situada en la provincia Oriental, en Zambia. Está situada cerca de la frontera con Mozambique, a unos 400 km de Lusaka, la capital del país. Casi toda la población es de la etnia y habla la lengua homónima. En 2010 tenía una población que rondaba los 21.000 habitantes. (es)
- Petauke is a town and seat of Petauke District located in the Eastern Province of Zambia. Petauke is 425 km from the capital city Lusaka, roughly halfway between Lusaka and the Malawi border. The main spoken language of the 14,000 residents is Nsenga. Like the Tonga of southern province, the Nsenga do not know exactly where they came from, although it has been accepted that they were earliest migrants from great Luba-Lunda, probably came following the escarpment together with the Zulu, Shona and other southern African peoples. Unfortunately, this fact is challenged on account of language. Luba groups mostly settled in northern Zambia and part of central Zambia whereas the Lunda groups settled in North western and western Zambia. These groups have similarities in their languages if not they are dialects. But for the nsenga it is unique, actually, it was until the Ngoni marauders settled among them because they were loosely organised. Eventually, the Ngoni "lost" their language. Most telecommunication is by two local radio stations; Radio PASME, 91.3 and Radio Explorers, 88.1fm, which cover up to 120 km; mainly used by local businessmen, political leaders and traditional chiefs to disseminate their information. The District now has the reception of the three major cellular providers in the country- Airtel, Cell Z and MTN. The town is situated in an agricultural area; farmers produce maize, cotton, sunflower, groundnut, soya beans and many other crops. Industries include two cotton ginneries, one roofing industry,a number of small scale maize millers and cooking-oil refiners, three breweries, and small scale saw-mills. Government is putting up a milling plant for prisons. The town has two major health facilities. A district hospital and an urban clinic. There are a few other upcoming privately owned clinics. The town has three colleges; Ukwimi Trades and two other private colleges. nursing school is Fairview. The region around Petauke contains copper, amethyst, and gold. However, the minerals in the region are low grade and no serious mining investment has been made in the region. In the early 17th century, gold was mined and that contributed to high rate of slave trade. Mostly, the Swahili speaking peoples invaded the area. The town is near the North and South Luangwa National Parks. (en)
- Petauke è un centro abitato dello Zambia, parte della Provincia Orientale e capoluogo del distretto omonimo. Amministrativamente è costituito dai 7 comuni facenti parte della circoscrizione elettorale (constituency) di Petauke. (it)
- Petauke é uma cidade e um distrito da Zâmbia, localizados na província Oriental. (pt)
- Petauke – miasto w Zambii, w Prowincji Wschodniej. Według danych szacunkowych na rok 2010 liczy 27 633 mieszkańców. (pl)
- 佩陶克(英語:Petauke),是贊比亞的城鎮,位於該國東部,由東方省負責管轄,是佩陶克縣的首府,距離首都盧薩卡400公里,海拔高度932米,主要農作物有玉米、棉花、向日葵、花生和大豆,2010年人口66,281。 (zh)
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- Petauke Coat of Arms.jpg (en)
- Petauke Town area.jpg (en)
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- Petauke, auch Old Petauke oder Petauka, ist ein Ort mit 29.700 Einwohnern (2010) an der Great East Road in der Ostprovinz in Sambia. Er liegt etwa 1020 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel und ist Sitz der Verwaltung des gleichnamigen Distrikts mit 235.879 Einwohnern (Volkszählung 2000). Die Entfernung nach Lusaka beträgt 380 Kilometer, nach Chipata 130 Kilometer. Dominierende Sprache ist Nsenga. (de)
- Petauke es una localidad, capital de su distrito, situada en la provincia Oriental, en Zambia. Está situada cerca de la frontera con Mozambique, a unos 400 km de Lusaka, la capital del país. Casi toda la población es de la etnia y habla la lengua homónima. En 2010 tenía una población que rondaba los 21.000 habitantes. (es)
- Petauke è un centro abitato dello Zambia, parte della Provincia Orientale e capoluogo del distretto omonimo. Amministrativamente è costituito dai 7 comuni facenti parte della circoscrizione elettorale (constituency) di Petauke. (it)
- Petauke é uma cidade e um distrito da Zâmbia, localizados na província Oriental. (pt)
- Petauke – miasto w Zambii, w Prowincji Wschodniej. Według danych szacunkowych na rok 2010 liczy 27 633 mieszkańców. (pl)
- 佩陶克(英語:Petauke),是贊比亞的城鎮,位於該國東部,由東方省負責管轄,是佩陶克縣的首府,距離首都盧薩卡400公里,海拔高度932米,主要農作物有玉米、棉花、向日葵、花生和大豆,2010年人口66,281。 (zh)
- Petauke is a town and seat of Petauke District located in the Eastern Province of Zambia. Petauke is 425 km from the capital city Lusaka, roughly halfway between Lusaka and the Malawi border. The main spoken language of the 14,000 residents is Nsenga. Most telecommunication is by two local radio stations; Radio PASME, 91.3 and Radio Explorers, 88.1fm, which cover up to 120 km; mainly used by local businessmen, political leaders and traditional chiefs to disseminate their information. The District now has the reception of the three major cellular providers in the country- Airtel, Cell Z and MTN. (en)
- Petauke (de)
- Petauke (es)
- Petauke (it)
- Petauke (en)
- Petauke (pl)
- Petauke (pt)
- 佩陶克 (zh)
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- POINT(31.333333969116 -14.25)
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