- لوريس بطئ فلبيني هو نوع من لوريس بطيء يعيش في شمال وشرق المناطق الساحلية لجزيرة بورنيو وأرخبيل سولو في الفلبين. (ar)
- El loris de Borneo (Nycticebus menagensis) és un primat estrepsirrí de la família dels lorísids. (ca)
- Der Philippinen-Plumplori (Nycticebus menagensis) ist ein Feuchtnasenprimat aus der Gattung der Plumploris, der in einigen Regionen der südostasiatischen Insel Borneo und einigen südphilippinischen Inseln vorkommt. (de)
- El lori de Borneo o lori de Filipinas (Nycticebus menagensis) es una especie de primate estrepsirrino del género Nycticebus (loris perezosos). Se encuentra en las costas del norte y este de la isla de Borneo, y también en el archipiélago de Joló en las Filipinas. (es)
- The Philippine slow loris (Nycticebus menagensis) is a strepsirrhine primate and a species of slow loris that is native to the north and east coastal areas of the island of Borneo, as well as the Sulu Archipelago in the Philippines. The species was first named as the Bornean slow loris in 1892, but lumped into the widespread Sunda slow loris (N. coucang) in 1952. However, it was promoted to full species status – again as the Bornean slow loris – based on molecular analysis in 2006. In 2013, two former subspecies of the Bornean slow loris were elevated to species status, and a new species—N. kayan—was recognized among the Bornean population. Weighing 265–300 grams (9.3–10.6 oz), it is one of the smallest of the slow lorises, and can be distinguished from other slow lorises by its pale golden to red fur, the lack of markings on its head, and consistent absence of a second upper incisor. Like other slow lorises, it has a vestigial tail, round head, short ears, a curved grooming claw for grooming, and a gland that produces an oily toxin that the animal uses for defense. The Philippine slow loris is arboreal, nocturnal, and occurs in low densities, making it difficult to locate. It is also the least studied of Indonesia's slow lorises. It is found at elevations between 35–100 meters (115–328 ft) in primary and secondary lowland forest, gardens, and plantations. Information about its diet is limited, but it is suspected to be one of the more insectivorous slow loris species, and is also known to eat gum from woody plants. The Bornean slow loris species complex – including the Philippine slow loris – was classified as "Vulnerable" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2008, is included in CITES Appendix I, which prevents international commercial trade, and is protected by Indonesian law. Prior to being divided into four distinct species in 2013, it was found in numerous protected areas within its range, making it the least threatened of the slow lorises. However, since the taxonomic split, it may face a higher risk of extinction. It is sparsely distributed throughout its range and is threatened by illegal wildlife trade, including the exotic pet trade, and habitat loss. (en)
- Kukang filipina (Nycticebus menagensis Lydekker, 1893) atau dahulu juga dinamai kukang borneo (Ingg.: Bornean Slow-loris) adalah sejenis kukang yang menyebar di pesisir utara dan timur Pulau Kalimantan serta Kepulauan Sulu di Filipina. Spesies tersebut pertama kali dideskripsi pada 1892. (in)
- 필리핀늘보로리스(Nycticebus menagensis)는 늘보로리스속에 속하는 곡비원류 영장류의 일종이다. 보르네오섬의 북부와 동부 해안 지역의 토착종으로 필리핀 술루 제도에서도 발견된다. 1892년에 처음 명명되었지만, 1952년에 순다늘보로리스에 포함되었다. 그러나 2006년 분자 계통 분석을 통해 별도의 종으로 승격되었다. 이전에 보르네오늘보로리스 아종으로 간주되었던 2종은 2013년에 종 지위를 얻었고, 보르네오 개체군에 속했던 니크티케부스 카얀은 신종으로 등록되었다. (ko)
- Nycticebus menagensis is een zoogdier uit de familie van de loriachtigen (Lorisidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Trouessart in 1893. (nl)
- Калимантанский лори (лат. Nycticebus menagensis) — вид приматов из рода толстых лори, самый мелкий из индонезийских лори. Встречается на островах Малайского архипелага и Филиппин. Долгое время считался подвидом медленного лори, выделен в самостоятельный вид в первом десятилетии XXI века. Уязвимый вид, охраняется законом в Индонезии. (ru)
- Nycticebus menagensis är en primat i släktet tröglorier som förekommer i Sydostasien. Taxonet listades tidigare som underart till "vanlig" tröglori och godkänns sedan början av 2000-talet som art. (sv)
- Лорі калімантанський (Nycticebus menagensis) — вид мокроносих приматів родини лорієві. (uk)
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- Philippine slow loris (en)
- Range_Nycticebus_menagensis.png (en)
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- *Lemur menagensis (Lydekker, 1893)
*Nycticebus philippinus (Cabrera, 1908)
*Nycticebus coucang menagensis: (Groves, 1971) (en)
- I now come to the curious mammal of which I enclose description. Shortly before we left for Tawi Tawi the Jesuit priest here, Padre Marche, informed us that just before our arrival he had made a trip to Tawi Tawi, and had bought of the Moros there a curious animal. He said it has the face of a bear, the hands of a monkey, moved like a sloth, and was called "cocam" by the natives ... I believe nothing of this kind has been found in the Philippines before, and it makes an important addition to the rather meager list of Philippine mammals. It is evidently one of the Lemuridae, but as generic characteristics are not given in the book I have, I cannot go farther. (en)
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- لوريس بطئ فلبيني هو نوع من لوريس بطيء يعيش في شمال وشرق المناطق الساحلية لجزيرة بورنيو وأرخبيل سولو في الفلبين. (ar)
- El loris de Borneo (Nycticebus menagensis) és un primat estrepsirrí de la família dels lorísids. (ca)
- Der Philippinen-Plumplori (Nycticebus menagensis) ist ein Feuchtnasenprimat aus der Gattung der Plumploris, der in einigen Regionen der südostasiatischen Insel Borneo und einigen südphilippinischen Inseln vorkommt. (de)
- El lori de Borneo o lori de Filipinas (Nycticebus menagensis) es una especie de primate estrepsirrino del género Nycticebus (loris perezosos). Se encuentra en las costas del norte y este de la isla de Borneo, y también en el archipiélago de Joló en las Filipinas. (es)
- Kukang filipina (Nycticebus menagensis Lydekker, 1893) atau dahulu juga dinamai kukang borneo (Ingg.: Bornean Slow-loris) adalah sejenis kukang yang menyebar di pesisir utara dan timur Pulau Kalimantan serta Kepulauan Sulu di Filipina. Spesies tersebut pertama kali dideskripsi pada 1892. (in)
- 필리핀늘보로리스(Nycticebus menagensis)는 늘보로리스속에 속하는 곡비원류 영장류의 일종이다. 보르네오섬의 북부와 동부 해안 지역의 토착종으로 필리핀 술루 제도에서도 발견된다. 1892년에 처음 명명되었지만, 1952년에 순다늘보로리스에 포함되었다. 그러나 2006년 분자 계통 분석을 통해 별도의 종으로 승격되었다. 이전에 보르네오늘보로리스 아종으로 간주되었던 2종은 2013년에 종 지위를 얻었고, 보르네오 개체군에 속했던 니크티케부스 카얀은 신종으로 등록되었다. (ko)
- Nycticebus menagensis is een zoogdier uit de familie van de loriachtigen (Lorisidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Trouessart in 1893. (nl)
- Калимантанский лори (лат. Nycticebus menagensis) — вид приматов из рода толстых лори, самый мелкий из индонезийских лори. Встречается на островах Малайского архипелага и Филиппин. Долгое время считался подвидом медленного лори, выделен в самостоятельный вид в первом десятилетии XXI века. Уязвимый вид, охраняется законом в Индонезии. (ru)
- Nycticebus menagensis är en primat i släktet tröglorier som förekommer i Sydostasien. Taxonet listades tidigare som underart till "vanlig" tröglori och godkänns sedan början av 2000-talet som art. (sv)
- Лорі калімантанський (Nycticebus menagensis) — вид мокроносих приматів родини лорієві. (uk)
- The Philippine slow loris (Nycticebus menagensis) is a strepsirrhine primate and a species of slow loris that is native to the north and east coastal areas of the island of Borneo, as well as the Sulu Archipelago in the Philippines. The species was first named as the Bornean slow loris in 1892, but lumped into the widespread Sunda slow loris (N. coucang) in 1952. However, it was promoted to full species status – again as the Bornean slow loris – based on molecular analysis in 2006. In 2013, two former subspecies of the Bornean slow loris were elevated to species status, and a new species—N. kayan—was recognized among the Bornean population. (en)
- لوريس بطئ فلبيني (ar)
- Loris de Borneo (ca)
- Philippinen-Plumplori (de)
- Nycticebus menagensis (es)
- Kukang filipina (in)
- 필리핀늘보로리스 (ko)
- Philippine slow loris (en)
- Nycticebus menagensis (nl)
- Калимантанский лори (ru)
- Nycticebus menagensis (sv)
- Лорі калімантанський (uk)
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