- Princess Anle (安樂公主; 684? – 21 July 710), personal name Li Guo'er (李裹兒), was a Chinese princess of the Tang Dynasty. She was the youngest daughter of Emperor Zhongzong and his wife Empress Wei. Popular history holds that she was doted upon heavily by her parents and siblings, which contributed to her later drive for power. After gaining power, she became extremely arrogant, corrupt, extravagant, and immoral, and ruled with her mother Empress Wei and the corruption of the two almost pushed the administration of Emperor Zhongzong to the brink of bankruptcy. Eventually, after Emperor Zhongzong died in 710 — a death that traditional historians assert was due to poison, and carried out by Empress Wei and Li Guo'er — Empress Wei seized the throne and elevated Li Guo'er to the position of crown princess. A coup led by Li Guo'er's cousin Li Longji, the Prince of Linzi, and Princess Taiping, Li Guo'er's paternal aunt, overthrew and killed Empress Wei and Li Guo'er. (en)
- 安楽公主(あんらくこうしゅ、嗣聖元年(684年) - 唐隆元年6月20日(710年7月21日))は、唐の中宗の娘。母は韋皇后。本名を李裹児といい、これは出生時に中宗が自らの衣服を脱いで安楽公主を包んだことより命名された。 (ja)
- 안락공주(安楽公主, 684년 ~ 710년)는 중국 당나라의 황족이다. 당 중종과 위황후 사이에서 태어난 딸로 성은 이(李), 이름은 과아(裹児)이다. (ko)
- 李裹儿(685年-710年7月21日),唐中宗和韋皇后的小女儿,唐睿宗和太平公主的姪女,唐玄宗的堂妹,唐殤帝的姊姊,有「唐朝第一美人」之稱。其生平極受父母寵愛,頗具政治野心,權傾一時。中宗在位期間一度自請為皇太女,欲效法祖母武則天稱帝,不果,最終在李隆基策動的唐隆之變中被斬殺。死後被唐睿宗追廢為「悖逆庶人」,但仍按三品禮制入葬。 (zh)