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Ralph the Timid, also known as Ralf of Mantes (died 1057), was Earl of Hereford between 1051 and 1055 or 1057. His mother was Godgifu, the daughter of King Æthelred the Unready and his second wife Emma. His father was Drogo of Mantes, Count of the Vexin, who died on pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1035. The Norman poet Gaimar wrote that in 1057, Earl Ralph took the Earldom of East Anglia, after the death of Leofric in August 1057. Ralph would have held it only a few months, as he (Earl Ralph) died in his early thirties on 21 December 1057, and was buried at Petersbourgh Abbey.

Property Value
  • Ralph the Timid oder Raoul de Mantes (* um 1025/30; † 21. Dezember 1057) war ab 1052 Earl of Hereford als Nachfolger des verbannten Sweyn Godwinson. Er war der jüngste Sohn von Graf Drogo von Amiens, Mantes, Pontoise und Vexin und der Goda, der Tochter des Königs Æthelred. Somit war er der Neffe des Königs Eduard der Bekenner, der ihm die Grafschaft Herefordshire anvertraute. Raoul umgab sich mit normannischen Gefolgsleuten, die sofort damit begannen, Burgen zu bauen, was es bislang in der englischen Landschaft nicht gab. Als Godwin von Wessex 1052 aus dem Exil zurückkehrte, konnte ein Krieg zwischen den Normannen und Angelsachsen zwar noch verhindert werden, doch mussten viele von Raouls Gefolgsleuten das Land verlassen. König Eduard griff zugunsten Raouls ein, und Godwin schloss Frieden und starb kurze Zeit später. Im Jahr 1055 griffen Gruffydd ap Llywelyn, König von Gwynedd, und der verbannte Earl Ælfgar Raouls Grafschaft an, und es gelang ihnen, Raoul und seine Männer bei einem Ausfall aus Hereford Castle am 24. Oktober 1055 entscheidend zu schlagen. Gruffydd eroberte Hereford und zerstörte die erst vor kurzem errichtete Burg. Raoul fiel in Ungnade und starb zwei Jahre später. Herefordshire wurde Harold Godwinsons Earldom of Wessex zugeschlagen. Den Beinamen the Timid, der Furchtsame, erhielt er nicht wegen Feigheit, sondern weil er bei seinen Kämpfen auf schwer bewaffnete Kavallerie setzte, anstatt der traditionellen angelsächsischen Kampfesweise zu vertrauen. Mit seiner Gattin namens Gytha († nach 1066) hatte er einen Sohn, Harold de Ewyas († nach 1120), Herr von Ewyas Harold Castle in Herefordshire. (de)
  • Raúl el Tímido (del inglés: Ralph the Timid) era desde 1051 o 1052 hasta su muerte en 1057.​ Era hijo del conde Drogo de Mantes y de Goda, una hija del rey Etelredo II de Inglaterra y de su reina Emma, y nació en Mantes. Era sobrino del rey Eduardo el Confesor, quien le hizo conde en Inglaterra. Se casó con una mujer inglesa llamada Gytha. Raúl llevó normandos a Hereford, y les confió las cargos de autoridad. Inmediatamente ellos empezaron a construir castillos, un tipo de fortaleza desconocido antes en Inglaterra. Cuando Godwin, el poderoso conde de Wessex, volvió de exilio en 1052, las tensiones entre ingleses y normandos casi se transformaron en una guerra abierta. Muchos normandos tuvieron que huir del país antes de que el rey Eduardo interviniese. Godwin y Raúl, su vasallo, hicieron las paces. Con la muerte de Godwin en 14 de septiembre de 1053, Raúl se convirtió en conde de los condados—anteriormente partes de Wessex—de Gloucestershire y Oxfordshire. En 1055 una alianza de Gruffydd ap Llywelyn, el rey de Gwynedd, y del exiliado conde Aelfgar de Mercia invadió Hereford. Raúl había armado a todos sus hombres, fuesen normandos o ingleses, como caballeros del tipo francés. El 24 de octubre de 1055 los galeses vencieron a las fuerzas de Raúl. Gruffydd avanzó, tomando el nuevo castillo de Hereford y arrasándolo. Deshonrado por su derrota, pero no por ninguna cobardía, Raúl fue apodado «el Tímido». Nunca se recuperó del choque y murió dos años después en 1057. Sus condados se integraron en Wessex.​ (es)
  • Ralph the Timid, also known as Ralf of Mantes (died 1057), was Earl of Hereford between 1051 and 1055 or 1057. His mother was Godgifu, the daughter of King Æthelred the Unready and his second wife Emma. His father was Drogo of Mantes, Count of the Vexin, who died on pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1035. Ralph came to England with his uncle, the future King Edward the Confessor, in 1041. He attested three charters as earl in 1050, and his earldom was probably located in the East Midlands, where the lands of his wife Gytha were located. He was a benefactor of Peterborough Abbey. When King Edward quarrelled with Earl Godwin in 1051, Ralph raised the levies of his earldom to support the king. Godwin and his sons were forced into exile, but they returned the following year, and Ralph and Earl Odda commanded the fleet raised to resist them, but they were unable to prevent their return in triumph. Later in 1052 Godwin's son Sweyn died on pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and it was probably at this stage that Ralph was given Sweyn's earldom of Hereford, which included Oxfordshire. In 1055 Ælfgar, the earl of East Anglia, was exiled and allied himself with the ruler of Wales, Gruffydd ap Llywelyn. Ralph met them in battle on 24 October, but suffered a disastrous defeat, and the invaders sacked Hereford. It was later claimed that Ralph and his Frenchmen started the rout, resulting in his insulting nickname, 'The Timid'. Godwin's son, Harold, the future king, then chased the invaders back into Wales. Ann Williams suggested that Ralph probably lost his earldom of Hereford to Harold after his defeat in 1055, but in the view of Frank Barlow he held it until his death. The Norman poet Gaimar wrote that in 1057, Earl Ralph took the Earldom of East Anglia, after the death of Leofric in August 1057. Ralph would have held it only a few months, as he (Earl Ralph) died in his early thirties on 21 December 1057, and was buried at Petersbourgh Abbey. "Then died earl Leofric. Of his honour was Raulf seized. But little time he held it, and soon ended. He was a right good man, a short time he lived. The earl was buried at Peterborough." The Earldom of East Anglia then went to Ælfgar, Earl of Mercia Ralph's son Harold was one of the royal children brought up by King Edward's wife, Edith. Ralph was on good terms with the Godwins, and his son may have been named after the future king and been his godson. Harold Godwinson may have been given the earldom of Hereford to hold until the Ralph's son came of age. The younger Harold survived the Conquest and later received part of his father's lands, as well as Ewyas Harold, which is named after him. His descendants are the Sudeleys of Toddington, Gloucestershire. (en)
  • Ralph yang Pemalu, juga dikenal sebagai Ralf dari Mantes († 1057), merupakan seorang Earl Hereford pada sekitar tahun 1051 dan 1055 atau 1057. Ibundanya adalah Godgifu, putri Raja Æthelred II dan istri keduanya Emma. Ayahandanya adalah Drogo dari Mantes, Comte Vexin, yang meninggal saat berziarah ke Yerusalem pada tahun 1035. Ralf datang ke Inggris bersama pamandanya, Raja Edward sang Pengaku, pada tahun 1041. Dia membuktikan tiga piagam sebagai earl pada tahun 1050, dan wilayah earlnya mungkin terletak di East Midlands, di mana tanah istrinya Gytha berada. Dia adalah seorang dermawan di Biara Peterborough. Ketika Raja Edward berselisih dengan Earl Godwin pada tahun 1051, Ralf mengangkat pungutan wilayah earlnya untuk mendukung raja. Godwin dan putra-putranya dipaksa ke pengasingan, tapi mereka kembali pada tahun berikutnya, dan Ralf dan Earl Odda memerintahkan armada untuk menahan seraangan mereka, tapi mereka tidak dapat mencegah kembalinya musuh dalam kemenangan. Kemudian pada tahun 1052 putra Godwin, Sweyn meninggal saat berziarah ke Yerusalem, dan mungkin pada tahap inilah Ralf diberi wilayah earl Sweyn di Hereford, yang termasuk Oxfordshire. Pada tahun 1055 Ælfgar, earl Anglia Timur, diasingkan dan bersekutu dengan penguasa Wales, ap Gruffydd Llywelyn. Ralf bertemu mereka dalam pertempuran pada tanggal 24 November, tetapi mengalami kekalahan yang mengerikan, dan penyerang menjarah Hereford. Ia kemudian menyatakan bahwa Ralf dan Prancis memulai kekalahan tersebut, mengakibatkan julukan hinanya, 'Pemalu'. Putra Godwin, Harold, calon raja, kemudian mengejar penjajah kembali ke Wales. Ralf tutup usia pada awal tiga puluhan tahunnya pada tanggal 21 Desember 1057, dan dimakamkan di Biara Peterborough. Ann Williams menyarankan agar Ralf mungkin kehilangan wilayah earl ke Harold setelah kekalahannya pada tahun 1055, tetapi dalam pandangan Frank Barlow dia memegangnya sampai kematiannya. Putra Ralf, Harold adalah salah satu anak-anak kerajaan yang dibesarkan oleh istri Raja Edward, Edith. Ralph memiliki hubungan baik dengan Godwin, dan anaknya mungkin dinamai sesuai calon raja dan menjadi anak baptisnya. Harold Godwinson mungkin diberi wilayah earl Hereford untuk dipegang sampai putra Ralf cukup usia. Harold yang lebih muda selamat dari Penaklukan dan kemudian menerima sebagian dari tanah ayahandanya, serta Ewyas Harold, yang dinamai menurut namanya. Keturunannya adalah Sudeleys dari Toddington, Gloucestershire. (in)
  • Raoul de Mantes (Ralph en anglais), surnommé « le Timide » ou « le Timoré », est un noble normand mort le 21 décembre 1057. Membre de la maison de Vexin, il est comte en Angleterre dans les années 1050 sous le règne d'Édouard le Confesseur, qui est son oncle maternel. Sa brève carrière est marquée par une défaite face aux Gallois de Gruffydd ap Llywelyn à Hereford en 1055, mais elle voit également la construction de certaines des premières mottes castrales d'Angleterre, à Ewyas Harold et Richard's Castle, dans le Herefordshire. Elle reflète en ce sens l'évolution de la société anglaise vers le système féodal dès avant la conquête normande de l'Angleterre. (fr)
  • Ralf di Mantes, noto anche come Ralph il Timido (1025? – 1057), è stato un nobile britannico. È stato conte di Hereford tra gli anni 1051 e 1055 (o il 1057). Sua madre era , la figlia del re Etelredo lo Sconsiglieto e della sua seconda moglie Emma di Normandia. Suo padre era , conte del Vexin, che morì in pellegrinaggio a Gerusalemme nel 1035. Ralph sbarcò in Inghilterra con suo zio, il futuro re Edoardo il Confessore. Quando re Edoardo entrò in conflitto con il conte di Godwin nel 1051, Ralph radunò un esercito nella sua contea per sostenere il re. Godwin ed i suoi figli furono costretti all'esilio, ma tornarono l'anno seguente. Ralph e erano al comando della flotta incaricata di resistergli, ma non poterono impedire il loro ritorno. Alla fine dell'anno 1052, il figlio di Godwin, Sweyn Godwinson morì in pellegrinaggio a Gerusalemme, e probabilmente Ralph ereditò il titolo di conte di Hereford, una contea che comprendeva tutto l'Oxfordshire. Nel 1055 Etelredo, conte di East Anglia, fu esiliato e si alleò con il sovrano del Galles, Gruffydd ap Llywelyn. Ralph li incontrò in battaglia il 24 ottobre, ma subì una disastrosa sconfitta, e gli invasori saccheggiarono Hereford. La consecutiva rotta di Ralph gli valse il suo insultante soprannome: il Timido. Ralph morì poco più che trentenne il 21 dicembre 1057 e fu sepolto nell'abbazia di Peterborough. (it)
  • Ральф Трусливый (англ. Ralph the Timid; умер в 1057) — один из представителей высшей англосаксонской аристократии в середине XI века, эрл Херефордшира в 1051/1052—1057 годах. (ru)
  • 3561565 (xsd:integer)
  • 7176 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124842340 (xsd:integer)
  • Merged with Wessex (en)
  • Harold (en)
  • 1057 (xsd:integer)
  • Ralph the Timid (en)
  • English (en)
  • Gytha (en)
  • 1052 (xsd:integer)
  • Ральф Трусливый (англ. Ralph the Timid; умер в 1057) — один из представителей высшей англосаксонской аристократии в середине XI века, эрл Херефордшира в 1051/1052—1057 годах. (ru)
  • Ralph the Timid oder Raoul de Mantes (* um 1025/30; † 21. Dezember 1057) war ab 1052 Earl of Hereford als Nachfolger des verbannten Sweyn Godwinson. Er war der jüngste Sohn von Graf Drogo von Amiens, Mantes, Pontoise und Vexin und der Goda, der Tochter des Königs Æthelred. Somit war er der Neffe des Königs Eduard der Bekenner, der ihm die Grafschaft Herefordshire anvertraute. Den Beinamen the Timid, der Furchtsame, erhielt er nicht wegen Feigheit, sondern weil er bei seinen Kämpfen auf schwer bewaffnete Kavallerie setzte, anstatt der traditionellen angelsächsischen Kampfesweise zu vertrauen. (de)
  • Raúl el Tímido (del inglés: Ralph the Timid) era desde 1051 o 1052 hasta su muerte en 1057.​ Era hijo del conde Drogo de Mantes y de Goda, una hija del rey Etelredo II de Inglaterra y de su reina Emma, y nació en Mantes. Era sobrino del rey Eduardo el Confesor, quien le hizo conde en Inglaterra. Se casó con una mujer inglesa llamada Gytha. (es)
  • Raoul de Mantes (Ralph en anglais), surnommé « le Timide » ou « le Timoré », est un noble normand mort le 21 décembre 1057. Membre de la maison de Vexin, il est comte en Angleterre dans les années 1050 sous le règne d'Édouard le Confesseur, qui est son oncle maternel. (fr)
  • Ralph the Timid, also known as Ralf of Mantes (died 1057), was Earl of Hereford between 1051 and 1055 or 1057. His mother was Godgifu, the daughter of King Æthelred the Unready and his second wife Emma. His father was Drogo of Mantes, Count of the Vexin, who died on pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1035. The Norman poet Gaimar wrote that in 1057, Earl Ralph took the Earldom of East Anglia, after the death of Leofric in August 1057. Ralph would have held it only a few months, as he (Earl Ralph) died in his early thirties on 21 December 1057, and was buried at Petersbourgh Abbey. (en)
  • Ralph yang Pemalu, juga dikenal sebagai Ralf dari Mantes († 1057), merupakan seorang Earl Hereford pada sekitar tahun 1051 dan 1055 atau 1057. Ibundanya adalah Godgifu, putri Raja Æthelred II dan istri keduanya Emma. Ayahandanya adalah Drogo dari Mantes, Comte Vexin, yang meninggal saat berziarah ke Yerusalem pada tahun 1035. (in)
  • Ralf di Mantes, noto anche come Ralph il Timido (1025? – 1057), è stato un nobile britannico. È stato conte di Hereford tra gli anni 1051 e 1055 (o il 1057). Sua madre era , la figlia del re Etelredo lo Sconsiglieto e della sua seconda moglie Emma di Normandia. Suo padre era , conte del Vexin, che morì in pellegrinaggio a Gerusalemme nel 1035. Ralph morì poco più che trentenne il 21 dicembre 1057 e fu sepolto nell'abbazia di Peterborough. (it)
  • Ralph the Timid (de)
  • Raúl el Tímido (es)
  • Ralf dari Mantes (in)
  • Raoul de Mantes (fr)
  • Ralf di Mantes (it)
  • Ralph the Timid (en)
  • Ральф, эрл Херефорда (ru)
  • Ralph the Timid (en)
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