- روس يونغز (بالإنجليزية: Ross Youngs) هو لاعب كرة قاعدة أمريكي، ولد في 10 أبريل 1897 في شاينر في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفي في 22 أكتوبر 1927 في سان أنطونيو في الولايات المتحدة بسبب التهاب الكلى. (ar)
- Ross Middlebrook "Pep" Youngs (April 10, 1897 – October 22, 1927) was an American professional baseball player. Nicknamed "Pep", he played ten seasons in Major League Baseball for the New York Giants from 1917 through 1926, playing right field almost exclusively. Youngs was a part of the Giants teams that won four consecutive National League pennants and the 1921 and 1922 World Series. From Shiner, Texas, Youngs excelled at baseball and American football at the West Texas Military Institute. After beginning his professional career in minor league baseball, Youngs was signed by the Giants in 1916. Youngs had a lifetime .322 batting average with the Giants and batted over .300 nine times in his career, including eight consecutive seasons. His career was cut short by illness, however, as he died at the age of 30 of Bright's disease. Youngs was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1972 by the Veterans Committee. His election was not without controversy, however, as the Veterans Committee consisted of his former teammates, and charges of cronyism were leveled against the committee. (en)
- ロス・ヤングス(Royce Middlebrook Youngs, 1897年4月10日 - 1927年10月22日) は、アメリカ合衆国テキサス州出身のプロ野球選手(右翼手)。ニックネームは"Pep"(「元気者」の意)。 (ja)
- 羅斯·米德布魯克·「派普」·楊斯(英語:Ross Middlebrook "Pep" Youngs,1897年4月10日-1927年10月22日),為美國職棒大聯盟的右外野手。10年職棒生涯皆效力於紐約巨人。 楊斯從1917年開始效力於巨人,1921年和1922年拿下世界大賽二連霸。生涯連續8個球季打擊率都突破3成,後來因為生病而提前結束職棒生涯,最後在30歲那年因為腎炎而去世。 1972年,楊斯入選名人堂,但他的入選有引發一些爭議。因為當時名人堂資深委員會多由楊斯的前隊友組成,因此有任人唯親的嫌疑。 (zh)