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About: Saenchai

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Suphachai "Saenchai" Saepong (born July 30, 1980), formerly known as Saenchai Sor. Kingstar (Thai: แสนชัย ส.คิงสตาร์), is a Muay Thai fighter of Khon Isan descent. Saenchai won the Lumpinee Stadium title, which is widely considered the most prestigious title in Muay Thai, in four different weight divisions, while mostly fighting larger opponents. He is considered by many to be the best pound for pound Muay Thai fighter, and is regarded as one of the best fighters of all time. Saenchai would often give up weight to find worthy opponents in Thailand, and from 2003-2014 only lost two times in Thailand when the weights were equal, with all other losses happening when he was forced to have a weight disadvantage to make the fights more evenly matched. Against foreigners the gap in skill is so gr

Property Value
  • 163.0
  • 66.0
  • Saenchai (en thaï : แสนชัย ซินบีมวยไทย), né le 30 juillet 1980 dans la province de Maha Sarakham, est un combattant de muay-thaï. Il a remporté le titre de Champion du Stade de boxe du Lumpinee dans quatre catégories de poids différentes. Il est considéré comme l'un des meilleurs combattants de tous les temps. Il a joué un petit rôle d'acteur (garde du corps du roi d'Ayutthaya) dans le film "Yamada, la voie du samouraï" de Nopporn Watin, film inspiré de la vie de Yamada Nagamasa (1590-1630). (fr)
  • Suphachai "Saenchai" Saepong (born July 30, 1980), formerly known as Saenchai Sor. Kingstar (Thai: แสนชัย ส.คิงสตาร์), is a Muay Thai fighter of Khon Isan descent. Saenchai won the Lumpinee Stadium title, which is widely considered the most prestigious title in Muay Thai, in four different weight divisions, while mostly fighting larger opponents. He is considered by many to be the best pound for pound Muay Thai fighter, and is regarded as one of the best fighters of all time. Saenchai would often give up weight to find worthy opponents in Thailand, and from 2003-2014 only lost two times in Thailand when the weights were equal, with all other losses happening when he was forced to have a weight disadvantage to make the fights more evenly matched. Against foreigners the gap in skill is so great he will go up as high as 147 pounds, which is 15+ pounds above his optimal weight class. Since 2010 he has fought 88 times in 15 countries and is perhaps the most active international fighter. He is known for his excellent head movement, defensive footwork, unconventional kicks, and jumping attacks. His speed, athleticism, and the large variety in his unorthodox arsenal made him an exceptionally difficult opponent to prepare for. He retired from serious competition in Thailand in 2014 and now solely competes in showcase fights around the world against foreign, usually bigger opponents. Upon retiring from competition on the Thai circuit he was still able to make 130 pounds, with his final fight being forced to make 129 pounds. Since 2014, Saenchai has frequently competed at the Thai Fight promotion, a Thailand-based promotion. He has often been the headliner at more recent Thai Fight events and has won four King's Cup titles with the promotion at 67 kg and 70 kg. He holds the promotion's records for most titles with 4 and all-time wins with 43. (en)
  • センチャイ・PKセンチャイムエタイジム(泰: แสนชัย ส.คิงสตาร์、英: Saenchai PKSaenchaimuaythaigym、1980年7月30日 - )は、タイの男性ムエタイ選手、元プロボクサー。マハーサーラカーム県出身。ルンピニー・スタジアム認定4階級王者。タイでは強すぎるがゆえに、同じ体重では対戦相手がおらず、常にハンディキャップマッチで試合が行われる。元WMC世界ライト級王者。 (ja)
  • Saenchai PKSaenchaimuaythaigym właśc. Suphachai Saenpong (ur. 30 lipca 1980 w ) – tajski kick-boxer, zawodnik boksu tajskiego oraz bokser, mistrz stadionu Lumpini w czterech różnych kategoriach wagowych, mistrz świata WBC Muay Thai oraz WMC, od 2016 związany GLORY. (pl)
  • Suphachai (Saenchai) Saepong, ook bekend als Saenchai Sor. Kingstar (Maha Sarakham, Thailand, 30 juli 1980), is een professionele Thaibokser. Geboren in het arme noordoosten van Thailand, waar het grote deel van de bevolking met weinig toekomstperspectief op de rijstvelden werkt, zoals vele Thaise jongens, begon Saenchai Saepong op zijn 6e met het trainen van Muay Thai (thaiboksen) om vervolgens voor geld wedstrijden te vechten. Hij maakte zijn weg naar het mekka van het Muay Thai; het Lumpini stadium in Bangkok. Hier vocht hij vele wedstrijden op het hoogste niveau van de wereld en is in drie gewichtsklassen kampioen geworden: 52 kg, 53 kg en 59 kg. Ook heeft hij in 1999 de "Fighter of the year"-award gekregen. Hij staat bekend om zijn 'Cartwheel kick', waarbij hij een trap maakt tijdens een radslag. Ook gebruikt hij diverse gesprongen technieken en gebruikt hij veegtechnieken tegen zijn tegenstanders. Hij wordt in 2009 gezien als de een van de beste vechters in zijn gewichtsklasse en moet bij wedstrijden vaak lichter wegen dan zijn tegenstanders om de wedstrijd spannender te houden. Dit is omdat er in Thailand veel gegokt wordt op Muay Thai wedstrijden, en anders zijn de uitslagen te makkelijk te voorspellen. Op 30 november 2008 was Saenchai in Nederland te zien op het SLAMM!-gala in het Topsportcentrum Almere. Hier vocht hij tegen en won de partij na 5 rondes op punten. Saenchai heeft inmiddels ook zijn eigen trainingskamp in Bangkok: Dr. Saenchai Muay Thai Gym, bij het '13 Coins Resort'. (nl)
  • Саенчай Сор Кингстар (тайск. แสนชัย ส.คิงสตาร์; 30 июля 1980, Махасаракхам, Таиланд) — таиландский боец муай-тай.Трёхкратный чемпион мира. Дважды признавался лучшим бойцом Таиланда — в 1999 и в 2008 годах. Удостаивался титула «Лучший спортсмен Таиланда». Пятикратный чемпион стадиона Лумпхини — одного из самых престижных в мире титулов в тайском боксе. (ru)
  • Suphachai Saenpong (nascido em 30 de julho de 1980) era anteriormente conhecido por Saenchai Sor. Kingstar (Tailandês: แสนชัย ส.คิงสตาร์) é um lutador de Muay Thai nativo do nordeste da Tailândia na província de Maha Sarakham. Saenchai começou a sua carreira de Muay Thai com 8 anos de idade e não tardou que um apelido fosse para ele criado ganhando vários títulos em campeonatos do nordeste da Tailândia. Saenchai foi promovido pela antiga estrela de Muay Thai Somrak Khamsing. Foi treinar para Banguecoque sob promoções do Sukonesongchai Loi Krathong Superfights onde encontrou a oportunidade de defrontar alguns dos melhores lutadores de Muay Thai da região. O atleta brilhou sob a orientação do seu mestre Somrak.Saenchai venceu o título de "Campeão de Muay Thai Lumpinee" em três categorias de peso distintas: 52 kg, 53 kg e 59 kg; assim como um título mundial de WBC Muay Thai e WMC, considerado como um combate histórico visto que se encontrava numa categoria acima do seu peso. Foi, portanto, encarado como um dos melhores lutadores Tailandeses do mundo de Muay Thai. Seanchai luta frequentemente com adversários com um peso superior ao dele divergindo até 5 lbs a mais, conseguido assim adversários tailandeses que se encontrem capazes de o confrontar. Contra os estrangeiros, Saenchai denfronta adversários com cerca de 147 libras, ou seja mais 15 lbs do que o seu peso normal. Ele é conhecido pelo um admirável à-vontade com que se movimenta no ringue para além da excelente velocidade que consegue desferir os seus golpes. Suphachai Saenpong treinou no , apresenta mais de 220 vitórias, 52 derrotas e 2 empates. Saenchai competiu no Lumpinee Boxing Stadium, em Banguecoque. Aqui ele fez vários combates ao mais alto nível do mundo tornando se por três vezes campeão em diferentes categorias. Em 1999 foi-lhe presenteado o prémio "Fighter of the year" (lutador do ano). Distingue-se por utilizar frequentemente o "Cartwheel kick". Sor. Kingstar criou o seu próprio campo de treino de Muay Thai em Bangkok: Dr. Saenchai Muay Thai Gym.Aos 35 anos de idade Saenchai ainda compete a alto nível. Atualmente luta sob a bandeira do Sukpetchyindee. (pt)
  • 1980-07-30 (xsd:date)
  • 1.630000 (xsd:double)
  • 66000.000000 (xsd:double)
  • 20170720 (xsd:integer)
  • 94458 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1122946694 (xsd:integer)
  • N/A (en)
  • Petchboonchu FA Group (en)
  • Saohin Srithai Condo (en)
  • Petchboonchu F.A. Group (en)
  • Saohin Srithai Condo (en)
  • 1980-07-30 (xsd:date)
  • Suphachai Saenpong (en)
  • Kosum Phisai District, Maha Sarakham Province, Thailand (en)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • 0 (xsd:integer)
  • 5 (xsd:integer)
  • 547089 (xsd:integer)
  • Bangkok, Thailand (en)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • 41 (xsd:integer)
  • 49 (xsd:integer)
  • 327 (xsd:integer)
  • Saenchai (en)
  • Thai (en)
  • แสนชัย (en)
  • th (en)
  • y (en)
  • Saenchai Sinbimuaythai (en)
  • Saenchai P.K. Saenchai Muaythaigym (en)
  • Saenchai Sor. Khamsing (en)
  • Sangpetch Patanakangym (en)
  • 314 (xsd:integer)
  • southpaw (en)
  • Muay Thai record (en)
  • Lumpinee Stadium Lightweight Champion (en)
  • PABA Interim Featherweight Champion (en)
  • WMC World Lightweight Champion (en)
  • 2018-04-29 (xsd:date)
  • dbr:Flyweight
  • Bantamweight (en)
  • Featherweight (en)
  • Lightweight (en)
  • Welterweight (en)
  • 0001-10-05 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-11-27 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 1988 (xsd:integer)
  • Saenchai (en thaï : แสนชัย ซินบีมวยไทย), né le 30 juillet 1980 dans la province de Maha Sarakham, est un combattant de muay-thaï. Il a remporté le titre de Champion du Stade de boxe du Lumpinee dans quatre catégories de poids différentes. Il est considéré comme l'un des meilleurs combattants de tous les temps. Il a joué un petit rôle d'acteur (garde du corps du roi d'Ayutthaya) dans le film "Yamada, la voie du samouraï" de Nopporn Watin, film inspiré de la vie de Yamada Nagamasa (1590-1630). (fr)
  • センチャイ・PKセンチャイムエタイジム(泰: แสนชัย ส.คิงสตาร์、英: Saenchai PKSaenchaimuaythaigym、1980年7月30日 - )は、タイの男性ムエタイ選手、元プロボクサー。マハーサーラカーム県出身。ルンピニー・スタジアム認定4階級王者。タイでは強すぎるがゆえに、同じ体重では対戦相手がおらず、常にハンディキャップマッチで試合が行われる。元WMC世界ライト級王者。 (ja)
  • Saenchai PKSaenchaimuaythaigym właśc. Suphachai Saenpong (ur. 30 lipca 1980 w ) – tajski kick-boxer, zawodnik boksu tajskiego oraz bokser, mistrz stadionu Lumpini w czterech różnych kategoriach wagowych, mistrz świata WBC Muay Thai oraz WMC, od 2016 związany GLORY. (pl)
  • Саенчай Сор Кингстар (тайск. แสนชัย ส.คิงสตาร์; 30 июля 1980, Махасаракхам, Таиланд) — таиландский боец муай-тай.Трёхкратный чемпион мира. Дважды признавался лучшим бойцом Таиланда — в 1999 и в 2008 годах. Удостаивался титула «Лучший спортсмен Таиланда». Пятикратный чемпион стадиона Лумпхини — одного из самых престижных в мире титулов в тайском боксе. (ru)
  • Suphachai "Saenchai" Saepong (born July 30, 1980), formerly known as Saenchai Sor. Kingstar (Thai: แสนชัย ส.คิงสตาร์), is a Muay Thai fighter of Khon Isan descent. Saenchai won the Lumpinee Stadium title, which is widely considered the most prestigious title in Muay Thai, in four different weight divisions, while mostly fighting larger opponents. He is considered by many to be the best pound for pound Muay Thai fighter, and is regarded as one of the best fighters of all time. Saenchai would often give up weight to find worthy opponents in Thailand, and from 2003-2014 only lost two times in Thailand when the weights were equal, with all other losses happening when he was forced to have a weight disadvantage to make the fights more evenly matched. Against foreigners the gap in skill is so gr (en)
  • Suphachai (Saenchai) Saepong, ook bekend als Saenchai Sor. Kingstar (Maha Sarakham, Thailand, 30 juli 1980), is een professionele Thaibokser. Geboren in het arme noordoosten van Thailand, waar het grote deel van de bevolking met weinig toekomstperspectief op de rijstvelden werkt, zoals vele Thaise jongens, begon Saenchai Saepong op zijn 6e met het trainen van Muay Thai (thaiboksen) om vervolgens voor geld wedstrijden te vechten. Hij maakte zijn weg naar het mekka van het Muay Thai; het Lumpini stadium in Bangkok. Hier vocht hij vele wedstrijden op het hoogste niveau van de wereld en is in drie gewichtsklassen kampioen geworden: 52 kg, 53 kg en 59 kg. Ook heeft hij in 1999 de "Fighter of the year"-award gekregen. (nl)
  • Suphachai Saenpong (nascido em 30 de julho de 1980) era anteriormente conhecido por Saenchai Sor. Kingstar (Tailandês: แสนชัย ส.คิงสตาร์) é um lutador de Muay Thai nativo do nordeste da Tailândia na província de Maha Sarakham. Saenchai começou a sua carreira de Muay Thai com 8 anos de idade e não tardou que um apelido fosse para ele criado ganhando vários títulos em campeonatos do nordeste da Tailândia. Saenchai foi promovido pela antiga estrela de Muay Thai Somrak Khamsing. Foi treinar para Banguecoque sob promoções do Sukonesongchai Loi Krathong Superfights onde encontrou a oportunidade de defrontar alguns dos melhores lutadores de Muay Thai da região. O atleta brilhou sob a orientação do seu mestre Somrak.Saenchai venceu o título de "Campeão de Muay Thai Lumpinee" em três categorias de (pt)
  • Saenchai (fr)
  • センチャイ・PKセンチャイムエタイジム (ja)
  • Saenchai (nl)
  • Saenchai (pl)
  • Saenchai (en)
  • Saenchai (pt)
  • Саенчай (ru)
  • Saenchai (en)
  • Saenchai Sinbimuaythai (en)
  • Saenchai P.K. Saenchai Muaythaigym (en)
  • Saenchai Sor. Khamsing (en)
  • Sangpetch Patanakangym (en)
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