Stephanie "Steph" Mumford (née LeDrew; born June 6, 1984 in Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador) is a Canadian curler from Sarnia, Ontario. She currently plays second on Team Lauren Mann.
Stephanie LeDrew, née le 6 juin 1984 à Corner Brook, est une curleuse canadienne. (fr)
Stephanie "Steph" Mumford (née LeDrew; born June 6, 1984 in Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador) is a Canadian curler from Sarnia, Ontario. She currently plays second on Team Lauren Mann. (en)
Сте́фани «Стеф» Ле Дрю (англ. Stephanie "Steph" LeDrew; род. 6 июня 1984, Корнер-Брук, Ньюфаундленд и Лабрадор) — канадская кёрлингистка. (ru)
Stephanie LeDrew, née le 6 juin 1984 à Corner Brook, est une curleuse canadienne. (fr)
Stephanie "Steph" Mumford (née LeDrew; born June 6, 1984 in Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador) is a Canadian curler from Sarnia, Ontario. She currently plays second on Team Lauren Mann. (en)
Сте́фани «Стеф» Ле Дрю (англ. Stephanie "Steph" LeDrew; род. 6 июня 1984, Корнер-Брук, Ньюфаундленд и Лабрадор) — канадская кёрлингистка. (ru)