- ضَهْر (الاسم العلمي: Sternotherus)، جنس سلاحف مائية، تُعرف باسم سلاحف المسك، من فصيلة سلاحف طينية. يستوطن أمريكا الشمالية. (ar)
- Sternotherus Kinosternidae familiako dortoka genero bat da. Kanada eta Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan bizi dira. (eu)
- Sternotherus es un género de tortugas acuáticas de la familia Kinosternidae de América del Norte. Son reptiles carnívoros, consumen invertebrados acuáticos, peces y carroña. (es)
- Sternotherus, ou tortues musquées, est un genre de tortues de la famille des Kinosternidae. (fr)
- Sternotherus is a genus of turtles in the family Kinosternidae including six species commonly known as musk turtles. The genus is endemic to North America, occurring in the eastern third of the USA and southeast Ontario, Canada. Musk glands positioned near the bridge of the shell can produce foul smelling secretions when the turtles are threatened, although genital handling does not normally provoke a response. Sternotherus are moderately small turtles, with the largest species in the genus, the razor-backed musk turtle (S. carinatus), attaining a maximum of 17.6 cm. in shell length. The carapace is characteristically oval and domed (an exception being the flattened musk turtle, S. depressus), with most species having one or three keels on the back which may become smoother and obscure with age in some species. Musk turtles are generally drab in color, mostly black, gray, brown, olive, or ocher, which aid in camouflaging them in their natural habitats. The head is relatively large and stout, marked with spots, streaks, or strips. The plastron has only 10 or 11 scutes, as opposed to 12, a more common condition in North American turtles. The tail is short, with males having a horny claw like tip. Sternotherus are largely aquatic, however some species frequently bask on fallen logs or rocks emerging from the water, and eastern musk turtles (S. odoratus) occasionally leave the water to forage. Sternotherus are omnivorous and opportunistic generalist in their diet, although inclining toward being carnivorous, with mollusks (gastropods and bivalves) and insects making up a significant percentage of their diet. Some older adults develop large musculature on the head and expanded, crushing jaw surfaces aiding in the consumption of mollusk. Musk turtles are oviparous with females producing one to six clutches a year. The typical clutch size is two to four eggs, although clutches may range from one to 13. The sex of the hatchlings is determined by the incubation temperature. The eggs are deposited in shallow nest excavated on the banks or in woodlands a few meters from the water. Eggs may be laid singly, or in groups, and some species are known to share communal nesting areas. (en)
- ニオイガメ属(ニオイガメぞく、Sternotherus)は、カメ目ドロガメ科の属。模式種はミシシッピニオイガメ。 (ja)
- Muskusschildpadden (Sternotherus) zijn een geslacht van schildpadden uit de familie modder- en muskusschildpadden. De groep werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door John Edward Gray in 1835. (nl)
- Sternotherus – rodzaj żółwia z podrodziny Kinosterninae w rodzinie mułowcowatych (Kinosternidae). (pl)
- Amerikanska mysksköldpaddor (Sternotherus) är ett släkte av sköldpaddor som beskrevs av John Edward Gray 1825. Släktet ingår i familjen slamsköldpaddor. De blir mellan 5 och 15 cm långa. Kladogram enligt Catalogue of Life: (sv)
- Мускусні черепахи (Sternotherus) — рід черепах родини Мулові черепахи підряду Прихованошийні черепахи. Має 4 види. (uk)
- Мускусные черепахи (Sternotherus) — род иловых черепах. Род включает четыре вида пресноводных черепах, обитающих на юге и юго-востоке США. Один из видов — Sternotherus depressus включён в Красную книгу МСОП.
* Обыкновенная мускусная черепаха
* Малая мускусная черепаха
* Sternotherus depressus (ru)
- 小麝香龜屬(Sternotherus)是動胸龜科下的一種龜,原産於北美洲,該屬的動物與動胸龜屬極為相似。 該屬最常見的種是密西西比麝香龜。 (zh)
- ضَهْر (الاسم العلمي: Sternotherus)، جنس سلاحف مائية، تُعرف باسم سلاحف المسك، من فصيلة سلاحف طينية. يستوطن أمريكا الشمالية. (ar)
- Sternotherus Kinosternidae familiako dortoka genero bat da. Kanada eta Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan bizi dira. (eu)
- Sternotherus es un género de tortugas acuáticas de la familia Kinosternidae de América del Norte. Son reptiles carnívoros, consumen invertebrados acuáticos, peces y carroña. (es)
- Sternotherus, ou tortues musquées, est un genre de tortues de la famille des Kinosternidae. (fr)
- ニオイガメ属(ニオイガメぞく、Sternotherus)は、カメ目ドロガメ科の属。模式種はミシシッピニオイガメ。 (ja)
- Muskusschildpadden (Sternotherus) zijn een geslacht van schildpadden uit de familie modder- en muskusschildpadden. De groep werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door John Edward Gray in 1835. (nl)
- Sternotherus – rodzaj żółwia z podrodziny Kinosterninae w rodzinie mułowcowatych (Kinosternidae). (pl)
- Amerikanska mysksköldpaddor (Sternotherus) är ett släkte av sköldpaddor som beskrevs av John Edward Gray 1825. Släktet ingår i familjen slamsköldpaddor. De blir mellan 5 och 15 cm långa. Kladogram enligt Catalogue of Life: (sv)
- Мускусні черепахи (Sternotherus) — рід черепах родини Мулові черепахи підряду Прихованошийні черепахи. Має 4 види. (uk)
- Мускусные черепахи (Sternotherus) — род иловых черепах. Род включает четыре вида пресноводных черепах, обитающих на юге и юго-востоке США. Один из видов — Sternotherus depressus включён в Красную книгу МСОП.
* Обыкновенная мускусная черепаха
* Малая мускусная черепаха
* Sternotherus depressus (ru)
- 小麝香龜屬(Sternotherus)是動胸龜科下的一種龜,原産於北美洲,該屬的動物與動胸龜屬極為相似。 該屬最常見的種是密西西比麝香龜。 (zh)
- Sternotherus is a genus of turtles in the family Kinosternidae including six species commonly known as musk turtles. The genus is endemic to North America, occurring in the eastern third of the USA and southeast Ontario, Canada. Musk glands positioned near the bridge of the shell can produce foul smelling secretions when the turtles are threatened, although genital handling does not normally provoke a response. Sternotherus are moderately small turtles, with the largest species in the genus, the razor-backed musk turtle (S. carinatus), attaining a maximum of 17.6 cm. in shell length. The carapace is characteristically oval and domed (an exception being the flattened musk turtle, S. depressus), with most species having one or three keels on the back which may become smoother and obscure wit (en)