- Stockholm Pride (styled as STHLM Pride) is an annual gay pride festival held in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Since the start in 1998, Stockholm Pride has grown. In 2014, some 60,000 participated and 600,000 followed the parade at the streets. The celebrations normally starts with lectures and exhibitions all over the city on the Monday. Pride House is the festival's cultural centre. It is packed with seminars, debates, workshops, exhibitions, film, theatre and other performances. On the Wednesday it's the grand opening of the closed off Pride Park which is the festival arena for tens of thousands of people, and in the park organisation stalls, stages, restaurants, shops, and other attractions are built. Pride Park is open Wednesday through Sunday and every afternoon and evening a wide variety of famous artists and shows appear on the main stage. Also outside the official Pride Park, there is a green and leafy area where people join up, drink, listen to the music and party into the warm summer night. Many people have been out on the streets of Stockholm, enjoying the parade that ends in the park. In addition to the official Stockholm Pride events, the week is noticeable elsewhere in the city. Many of the gay clubs have their own events and themed nights, one of these is Mr Gay Sweden. The festival is held in the end of July or beginning of August each year. In 1998, 2008 and 2018, Stockholm Pride was the host of the EuroPride. (en)
- Stockholm Pride, Pridefestivalen, är en årligen återkommande festival i Stockholm som främst riktar sig till HBTQ+-personer (homo- och bisexuella, transpersoner och queera m.m.). Den har hållits sedan 1998 och äger normalt rum vecka 31, vilken brukar infalla i månadsskiftet juli/augusti. Under festivalveckan pågår aktiviteter i hela Stockholm. Festivalen och en stor del av dess innehåll arrangeras av Föreningen Stockholm Pride, ofta i samarbete med andra organisationer. (sv)
- Stockholm Pride, Pridefestivalen, är en årligen återkommande festival i Stockholm som främst riktar sig till HBTQ+-personer (homo- och bisexuella, transpersoner och queera m.m.). Den har hållits sedan 1998 och äger normalt rum vecka 31, vilken brukar infalla i månadsskiftet juli/augusti. Under festivalveckan pågår aktiviteter i hela Stockholm. Festivalen och en stor del av dess innehåll arrangeras av Föreningen Stockholm Pride, ofta i samarbete med andra organisationer. (sv)
- Stockholm Pride (styled as STHLM Pride) is an annual gay pride festival held in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Since the start in 1998, Stockholm Pride has grown. In 2014, some 60,000 participated and 600,000 followed the parade at the streets. The celebrations normally starts with lectures and exhibitions all over the city on the Monday. Pride House is the festival's cultural centre. It is packed with seminars, debates, workshops, exhibitions, film, theatre and other performances. Many people have been out on the streets of Stockholm, enjoying the parade that ends in the park. (en)