- Substantive equality is a fundamental aspect of human rights law that is concerned with equitable outcomes and equal opportunities for disadvantaged and marginalized people and groups in society. Scholars define substantive equality as an output or outcome of the policies, procedures, and practices used by nation states and private actors in addressing and preventing systemic discrimination. Substantive equality recognizes that the law must take elements such as discrimination, marginalization, and unequal distribution into account in order to achieve equal results for basic human rights, opportunities, and access to goods and services. Substantive equality is primarily achieved by implementing special measures in order to assist or advance the lives of disadvantaged individuals. Such measures are aimed at ensuring that they are given the same opportunities as everyone else. (en)
- 실질적 평등(實質的平等, substantive equality)은 사회 속 이득을 받지 못하거나 소외된 사람들이나 그룹들의 , 기회 균등과 관련한 인권법의 근본 개념이다. 학자들은 실질적 평등을 국가와 행위자가 차별을 해결하고 예방하기 위해 사용하는 정책, 절차, 관습의 산물로 정의한다. (ko)
- 실질적 평등(實質的平等, substantive equality)은 사회 속 이득을 받지 못하거나 소외된 사람들이나 그룹들의 , 기회 균등과 관련한 인권법의 근본 개념이다. 학자들은 실질적 평등을 국가와 행위자가 차별을 해결하고 예방하기 위해 사용하는 정책, 절차, 관습의 산물로 정의한다. (ko)
- Substantive equality is a fundamental aspect of human rights law that is concerned with equitable outcomes and equal opportunities for disadvantaged and marginalized people and groups in society. Scholars define substantive equality as an output or outcome of the policies, procedures, and practices used by nation states and private actors in addressing and preventing systemic discrimination. (en)