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An Entity of Type: military conflict, from Named Graph: http://dbpedia.org, within Data Space: dbpedia.org

Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD, pronounced /ˈsiː-æd/), also known in the United States as "Wild Weasel" and (initially) "Iron Hand" operations, are military actions to suppress enemy surface-based air defenses, including not only surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) and anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) but also interrelated systems such as early-warning radar and command, control and communication (C3) functions, while also marking other targets to be destroyed by an air strike. Suppression can be accomplished both by physically destroying the systems or by disrupting and deceiving them through electronic warfare. In modern warfare, SEAD missions can constitute as much as 30% of all sorties launched in the first week of combat and continue at a reduced rate through the rest of a campaign.

Property Value
  • Suppression of Enemy Air Defences (SEAD; deutsch Unterdrückung feindlicher Luftabwehr) ist ein militärischer Einsatz mit dem Ziel, gegnerische bodengebundene Flugabwehr auszuschalten, zu zerstören oder zumindest zeitweise zu schwächen. Zum Einsatz können sowohl zerstörende als auch störende Mittel wie z. B. elektronische Gegenmaßnahmen kommen. SEAD Einsätze können sich gegen folgende Komponenten eines gegnerischen Luftverteidigungssystems richten: 1. * Kommandozentralen oder -Schnittstellen 2. * Stellungen von Flugabwehrraketen 3. * Stellungen von Flugabwehrkanonen 4. * Radargeräte von Frühwarn- und Jägerleitstellen 5. * Flugabwehrraketenträgerfahrzeuge und -lager 6. * Personal der Flugabwehr 7. * Schiffsgestützte Flugabwehr 8. * Frühwarnsysteme Innerhalb der NATO sollten SEAD-Missionen vor allem von taktischen Jägern wie der F-16 Fighting Falcon und der F-4 Phantom ausgeführt werden. Seit dem Vietnamkrieg wurden die Flugzeuge speziell für solche Aufgaben ausgerüstet und erhielten den Spitznamen Wild Weasel. In der sowjetischen Doktrin waren für SEAD modifizierte MiG-25 oder schwere Bomber vom Typ Tupolew Tu-22M vorgesehen. (de)
  • La supresión de defensas aéreas enemigas o SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses, por sus siglas en inglés),​ es una acción militar de interdicción aérea llevada a cabo para suprimir las defensas aéreas enemigas situadas en la superficie terrestre. Es conocida también como operación Wild Weasel y Iron Hand en Estados Unidos. Tiene como objetivo destruir los misiles superficie-aire (SAM) y la artillería antiaérea (AAA) del enemigo, principalmente, pero no exclusivamente, en las primeras horas de un ataque. Este tipo de misión no requirió especialización hasta la guerra de Vietnam, ya que anteriormente no había ningún entrenamiento, equipo o fuerza especial para atacar la defensa aérea enemiga. Es durante la guerra de Vietnam que se crean unidades especializadas; empiezan a aparecer los primeros aviones modificados para especializarse en estas misiones y se crean las tácticas especiales. (es)
  • Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD, pronounced /ˈsiː-æd/), also known in the United States as "Wild Weasel" and (initially) "Iron Hand" operations, are military actions to suppress enemy surface-based air defenses, including not only surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) and anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) but also interrelated systems such as early-warning radar and command, control and communication (C3) functions, while also marking other targets to be destroyed by an air strike. Suppression can be accomplished both by physically destroying the systems or by disrupting and deceiving them through electronic warfare. In modern warfare, SEAD missions can constitute as much as 30% of all sorties launched in the first week of combat and continue at a reduced rate through the rest of a campaign. One quarter of American combat sorties in recent conflicts have been SEAD missions. Despite generally being associated with aircraft, SEAD missions may be performed using any means, including through actions by ground forces. Primitive operations akin to SEAD emerged during the Second World War, during which multiple participants made attempts to degrade enemy ground radar stations. However, SEAD missions performed by dedicated aircraft first undertook combat missions during the Vietnam War, the United States Air Force's EF-105F/F-105G Thunderchief and United States Navy's A-6B Intruder being amongst these pioneers; Operation Linebacker intentionally incorporated SEAD actions to improve the survivability of bombers and increase overall effectiveness. Other early conflicts that saw SEAD missions conducted included the 1982 Falklands War, over Port Stanley, and the 1982 Lebanon War, in the Beqaa Valley. The tactical awareness, or lack thereof, of air defense operators proved to be a decisive factor in the success rate of these missions. The 1986 United States bombing of Libya, while Libya's integrated air defense network was not destroyed, it was damaged without major losses incurred by US forces. During the 1990s, extensive use of SEAD was made, particularly during the Gulf War of the early 1990s. Intense aerial attacks of Iraq's integrated air defenses were conducted during Operation Instant Thunder, the Coalition's aerial attacks at the start of the conflict; Iraqi SAM operators regularly resorted to firing missiles with minimal or no guidance due to fears that radar use brought quick retaliation.All Iraqi air defenses in the south were destroyed, although the skies remained unsafe for low altitude flight. In the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, the defender's air defences proved to be less vulnerable and more effective; although only two aircraft were reportedly lost to Yugoslavian SAMs, the downing of a F-117A Nighthawk marked the first combat loss ever of a stealth aircraft. In the Iraq War of the 2000s, coalition aircraft repeatedly targeted Iraqi SAMs during the opening phase of the conflict, despite this, aerial strikes were usually performed from stand-off distances to avoid these defenses, and low level flight was avoided. In the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, while many Ukrainian air defence facilities were reportedly destroyed or damaged in the first days of the war by Russian air strikes, Russia may not have been able to gain aerial superiority; it has been alleged that Ukrainian mid-range SAM sites have forced planes to fly low, but this makes them vulnerable to shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles. (en)
  • 방공망 제압(SEAD, Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses)은 적의 지대공 방공망 체계와 그에 밀접한 관계를 지니는 조기 경보기 레이다, 지휘/명령 시스템 등을 무력화 시키기 위한 군사적 전략의 명칭이다. 작전에 투입된 전투기는 파괴 공작만 하는 것이 아니라, 아직 온전히 작동하는 목표를 표식해두어 다른 전투기가 그것을 무력화 시키게 한다. 방공망을 제압하는 방법은 직접적인 피해(타격)를 주는 것과 목표들의 전자 시스템을 교란시키는 것이 있다. SEAD 작전은 현대전 발발 시 첫주 동안의 모든 임무 중 30% 정도를 차지할 수 있으며 전쟁이 지속됨에 따라 차차 그 빈도가 줄어든다. (ko)
  • Suppression of Enemy Air Defences (SEAD) zijn vliegmissies van de Amerikaanse strijdkrachten om vijandige luchtafweer uit te schakelen. De Amerikaanse marine gebruikt de benaming Iron Hand voor deze missies. Bij de United States Air Force (luchtmacht) worden SEAD-missies Wild Weasel genoemd. (nl)
  • SEAD è l'acronimo di Suppression of Enemy Air Defences, cioè soppressione delle difese antiaeree nemiche. Le missioni SEAD consistono in attacchi aerei allo scopo di eliminare le difese contraeree nemiche limitando i rischi per altri velivoli in azione in territorio nemico. (it)
  • Zwalczanie Obrony Powietrznej Przeciwnika (ZOPP) – w nomenklaturze NATO oznacza misję zwalczania systemów obrony obszaru powietrznego przeciwnika, zwłaszcza jego systemu obrony przeciwlotniczej. Misje SEAD wykonywane są najczęściej przez lotnictwo uderzeniowe lub za pomocą ataków przy wykorzystaniu systemów pocisków manewrujących lub pocisków balistycznych. Pierwowzorem nowoczesnych misji tego rodzaju, był amerykański system Wild Weasel. SEAD to aktywność wojskowa o charakterze destrukcyjnym lub nękającym zmierzająca do zneutralizowania, zniszczenia bądź czasowego zmniejszenia sprawności lub uszczuplenia wrogich lądowych wojsk obrony powietrznej. Zadaniem misji SEAD jest obezwładnienie wrogich systemów obrony obszaru powietrznego w celu umożliwienia własnym siłom powietrznym bezpiecznego operowania we własnej bądź wrogiej przestrzeni powietrznej zagrożonej działaniem wrogich jednostek przeciwlotniczych. Działania typu SEAD zwiększają także efektywność i elastyczność operacji własnych operacji lądowych. (pl)
  • Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) är ett samlingsnamn för militära åtgärder för att nedtrycka och oskadliggöra markbaserat luftvärn. Detta kan uppnås dels genom att störa och vilseleda fiendens luftvärnssystem, men även genom att fysiskt förstöra dem. SEAD innefattar dels åtgärder för att slå ut fientliga luftvärnsrobotar och luftvärnskanoner, men även relaterade system som radarinstallationer och ledningsfunktioner. (sv)
  • 對敵防空壓制(Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses,SEAD)是一種軍事行動用於壓制敵方陸基的防空火力(地對空導彈和防空高射砲),主要為攻擊的最初期行動。在美國也被稱作"野鼬任務" 或 "鐵手任務" 在近期的美國戰役中,有四分之一都是先經過對敵防空壓制行動。 (zh)
  • 573491 (xsd:integer)
  • 64179 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124532808 (xsd:integer)
  • 2014-03-15 (xsd:date)
  • 방공망 제압(SEAD, Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses)은 적의 지대공 방공망 체계와 그에 밀접한 관계를 지니는 조기 경보기 레이다, 지휘/명령 시스템 등을 무력화 시키기 위한 군사적 전략의 명칭이다. 작전에 투입된 전투기는 파괴 공작만 하는 것이 아니라, 아직 온전히 작동하는 목표를 표식해두어 다른 전투기가 그것을 무력화 시키게 한다. 방공망을 제압하는 방법은 직접적인 피해(타격)를 주는 것과 목표들의 전자 시스템을 교란시키는 것이 있다. SEAD 작전은 현대전 발발 시 첫주 동안의 모든 임무 중 30% 정도를 차지할 수 있으며 전쟁이 지속됨에 따라 차차 그 빈도가 줄어든다. (ko)
  • Suppression of Enemy Air Defences (SEAD) zijn vliegmissies van de Amerikaanse strijdkrachten om vijandige luchtafweer uit te schakelen. De Amerikaanse marine gebruikt de benaming Iron Hand voor deze missies. Bij de United States Air Force (luchtmacht) worden SEAD-missies Wild Weasel genoemd. (nl)
  • SEAD è l'acronimo di Suppression of Enemy Air Defences, cioè soppressione delle difese antiaeree nemiche. Le missioni SEAD consistono in attacchi aerei allo scopo di eliminare le difese contraeree nemiche limitando i rischi per altri velivoli in azione in territorio nemico. (it)
  • Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) är ett samlingsnamn för militära åtgärder för att nedtrycka och oskadliggöra markbaserat luftvärn. Detta kan uppnås dels genom att störa och vilseleda fiendens luftvärnssystem, men även genom att fysiskt förstöra dem. SEAD innefattar dels åtgärder för att slå ut fientliga luftvärnsrobotar och luftvärnskanoner, men även relaterade system som radarinstallationer och ledningsfunktioner. (sv)
  • 對敵防空壓制(Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses,SEAD)是一種軍事行動用於壓制敵方陸基的防空火力(地對空導彈和防空高射砲),主要為攻擊的最初期行動。在美國也被稱作"野鼬任務" 或 "鐵手任務" 在近期的美國戰役中,有四分之一都是先經過對敵防空壓制行動。 (zh)
  • Suppression of Enemy Air Defences (SEAD; deutsch Unterdrückung feindlicher Luftabwehr) ist ein militärischer Einsatz mit dem Ziel, gegnerische bodengebundene Flugabwehr auszuschalten, zu zerstören oder zumindest zeitweise zu schwächen. Zum Einsatz können sowohl zerstörende als auch störende Mittel wie z. B. elektronische Gegenmaßnahmen kommen. SEAD Einsätze können sich gegen folgende Komponenten eines gegnerischen Luftverteidigungssystems richten: (de)
  • La supresión de defensas aéreas enemigas o SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses, por sus siglas en inglés),​ es una acción militar de interdicción aérea llevada a cabo para suprimir las defensas aéreas enemigas situadas en la superficie terrestre. Es conocida también como operación Wild Weasel y Iron Hand en Estados Unidos. Tiene como objetivo destruir los misiles superficie-aire (SAM) y la artillería antiaérea (AAA) del enemigo, principalmente, pero no exclusivamente, en las primeras horas de un ataque. (es)
  • Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD, pronounced /ˈsiː-æd/), also known in the United States as "Wild Weasel" and (initially) "Iron Hand" operations, are military actions to suppress enemy surface-based air defenses, including not only surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) and anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) but also interrelated systems such as early-warning radar and command, control and communication (C3) functions, while also marking other targets to be destroyed by an air strike. Suppression can be accomplished both by physically destroying the systems or by disrupting and deceiving them through electronic warfare. In modern warfare, SEAD missions can constitute as much as 30% of all sorties launched in the first week of combat and continue at a reduced rate through the rest of a campaign. (en)
  • Zwalczanie Obrony Powietrznej Przeciwnika (ZOPP) – w nomenklaturze NATO oznacza misję zwalczania systemów obrony obszaru powietrznego przeciwnika, zwłaszcza jego systemu obrony przeciwlotniczej. Misje SEAD wykonywane są najczęściej przez lotnictwo uderzeniowe lub za pomocą ataków przy wykorzystaniu systemów pocisków manewrujących lub pocisków balistycznych. Pierwowzorem nowoczesnych misji tego rodzaju, był amerykański system Wild Weasel. SEAD to aktywność wojskowa o charakterze destrukcyjnym lub nękającym zmierzająca do zneutralizowania, zniszczenia bądź czasowego zmniejszenia sprawności lub uszczuplenia wrogich lądowych wojsk obrony powietrznej. (pl)
  • Suppression of Enemy Air Defences (de)
  • Supresión de defensas aéreas enemigas (es)
  • SEAD (it)
  • 방공망 제압 (ko)
  • Suppression of Enemy Air Defences (nl)
  • Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (pl)
  • Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (en)
  • SEAD (sv)
  • 壓制敵方防空任務 (zh)
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