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- Taxi Brooklyn ist eine französisch-US-amerikanisch coproduzierte Fernsehserie, die durch EuropaCorp Television für die Fernsehsender TF1 und NBC produziert wurde. Sie umfasst eine Staffel mit zwölf Folgen. Die deutsche Erstausstrahlung lief ab 7. November 2014 bei RTL Crime, die Free-TV-Ausstrahlung lief ab dem 25. Juni 2015 bei RTL. Sie basiert lose auf den Taxi-Filmen von Luc Besson und wurde von Gary Scott Thompson erdacht und produziert. Am 6. März 2015 wurde bekanntgegeben, dass keine zweite Staffel der Serie bestellt wird. (de)
- Taxi Brooklyn es una serie de televisión de procedimiento policial de acción comedia franco-estadounidense, producida por EuropaCorp Television. Los protagonistas de la serie son Chyler Leigh y Jacky Ido, se basa en la película Taxi escrita por Luc Besson. El 6 de marzo de 2015, NBC canceló la serie en los EE. UU. (es)
- Taxi Brooklyn est une série télévisée française, mêlant la comédie et l'action, inspirée par la série de films Taxi, créée par Gary Scott Thompson et produite par TF1. Elle est diffusée en Belgique à partir du 21 mars 2014 sur La Deux, et en France sur TF1, à partir du 14 avril 2014, puis sur Numéro 23 à partir du 22 août 2018. Elle est diffusée aux États-Unis du 25 juin au 10 septembre 2014 sur le réseau NBC. (fr)
- Taxi Brooklyn is a French-American action-comedy police procedural television series, produced by EuropaCorp Television. The series stars Chyler Leigh and Jacky Ido, and is based upon the film Taxi written by Luc Besson. On March 6, 2015, NBC canceled the series in the United States. (en)
- Taxi Brooklyn è una serie televisiva francese e statunitense sviluppata da Gary Scott Thompson, Stephen Tolkin, Franck Ollivier. (it)
- 『TAXI ブルックリン』(タクシー ブルックリン)は、ヨーロッパ・コープテレビジョン制作のTVドラマ。リュック・ベッソン制作の映画『TAXi』のドラマ版として制作された。 (ja)
- Taxi Brooklyn – dramatyczny serial telewizyjny z elementami komedii wyprodukowany przezEuropaCorp Television dla francuskiej stacji TF1. Światową premierę serial miał 14 kwietnia 2014 roku na TF1. Serial jest oparty na filmie Taxi Luca Bessona. Za opracowanie scenariuszu odpowiadali , oraz . Premierowy odcinek został wyemitowany 25 czerwca 2014 roku przez stacje NBC. 27 lutego 2015 roku, stacja NBC anulowała serial po pierwszym sezonie. W Polsce serial jest emitowany od 8 sierpnia 2016 roku przez Canal+ Seriale. (pl)
- «Такси: Южный Бруклин» — французско-американский телевизионный детективный сериал по мотивам фильма «Такси», написанном Люком Бессоном. (ru)
- «Таксі: Бруклін» (англ. Taxi Brooklyn) — французько-американський телесеріал на основі фільмів Таксі. (uk)
- 《布魯克林計程車》(英語:Taxi Brooklyn)是一部描寫橫跨美、法兩國的動作喜劇電視連續劇,由凱樂·利和傑奇 · 伊多(Jacky Ido)主演,以法國導演盧 · 貝松(Luc Besson)的電影終極殺陣(Taxi)為基礎改編而來。 (zh)
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- 2014-07-02 (xsd:date)
- 2014-07-09 (xsd:date)
- 2014-07-16 (xsd:date)
- 2014-07-23 (xsd:date)
- 2014-07-30 (xsd:date)
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- 2014-08-13 (xsd:date)
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- 2014-09-03 (xsd:date)
- 2014-09-10 (xsd:date)
- 4.420000 (xsd:double)
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- France (en)
- United States (en)
- (en)
- (en)
- Gary Scott Thompson (en)
- Stephen Tolkin (en)
- Franck Ollivier (en)
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- (en)
- EuropaCorp (en)
- NBC Studios (en)
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- 11 (xsd:integer)
- 12 (xsd:integer)
- (en)
- Gary Scott Thompson (en)
- Olivier Megaton (en)
- Thomas Anargyros (en)
- Edouard de Vesinne (en)
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- 2014-04-14 (xsd:date)
- 2014-04-21 (xsd:date)
- 2014-04-28 (xsd:date)
- 2014-05-05 (xsd:date)
- 2014-05-12 (xsd:date)
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- 20.0
- Josef Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor that Leo had given rides to regularly, is found dead. Cat and Leo find $10,000 cash in Josef's apartment with instructions for his burial arrangements; and further investigation incriminates the Capella crime family, responsible for the death of Cat's father. Cat visits Anabella Capella, her childhood friend and the daughter of a "good apple" in the family. While there, Cat verbally clashes with Annabella's cousin Luke. Cat meets with Gregg to see if an investigation has been opened on her father's murder. He confirms there is an investigation and that it appears Internal Affairs have made a cover-up attempt. Later, Gregg confirms that Annabella ordered the death of Cat's father. (en)
- Cat, Esposito, and Pena investigate the shooting death of a foster mom, called a "saint" by her neighbors because she has taken in kids from the system that nobody else wants. The case gets complicated when the most reliable witness to the crime, a 10-year-old boy, goes missing and Cat and Leo must track him down. It turns out the mom and her husband are nothing like their outward appearances. Cat reveals to a disbelieving Captain Baker that she suspects her childhood friend Annabella is now heading up the crime family that killed her father. She also receives more mysterious texts about her life being in danger because she knows too much. When she reveals this to Gregg, he wants to put her in protective custody, which she refuses. (en)
- The wife of a stalker/killer who had once targeted Cat turns up dead. It looks like the killer's M.O., but he is in prison. Suspicion falls on the killer's brother, who had been witnessed at the wife's home several times. Cat and Leo visit the man in Sing Sing, and he insists that neither his wife nor his brother would turn on him. Cat learns from Mae, the prosecutor in the original case, that the wife had filed a lawsuit against Cat for entrapment, which means she benefits from the woman's death. Cat then tells Leo she had received regular letters from a "fan" who praised her for capturing the stalker, but she had quit reading them after a while. The two catch up on the letters and find a pattern that leads them to believe the most recent killings were done by someone who was in the courtroom during the original hearings. The latest letter suggests the fan plans to kill Cat, then kill himself/herself. The fan turns out to be Mae, who locks Cat in a cage. Mae stabs Leo as he tries to rescue Cat, then slices her own throat. Cat manages to get Leo to the hospital in time to save his life. (en)
- Cat and Leo try to locate Ian, the hard-partying son of wealthy handbag designer Sasha Lowenthal, when he goes missing. After Ian is found dead, several Lowenthal family secrets are uncovered. Elsewhere, Leo is found to have lied on his immigration forms. To keep him from being deported, Cat must become Leo's sponsor, and 100% responsible for keeping him out of trouble. (en)
- Cat arrests a gang member during a citywide blackout, but he manages to escape on the way to booking and shoots two officers at the precinct. (en)
- Following up on reports of a dead body in a dumpster, Cat and Leo investigate only to have the man spring to life, steal a car, and crash it. Before he dies, the man spews some seemingly disconnected words and phrases, which Cat and the other detectives try to make sense of. Monica reveals that the man died of a virus that must have been weaponized. Together with other clues, the team determines that the virus will be unleashed in a wide-spread area within the next 24 hours. Connecting this case to a secret wedding between an Iranian woman and a French-Jew man, the team discovers at the last minute that a flower vendor is delivering the virus in a traditional bridal egg. Cat and Esposito arrive just in time to see the vendor drop the egg off a roof where the wedding ceremony is about to take place, leaving Leo to save the day. Meanwhile, Leo acts jealous upon meeting Rhys for the first time. (en)
- A woman named Fernanda Flores is shot while leaving a restaurant, just as Leo lets Frankie out of the cab nearby. Frankie recognizes the woman as a maid from El Salvador who works in her building. After interviewing Fernanda as she recovers in the hospital, Leo is convinced she is involved in the drug trade. This seems to be confirmed when the detectives find a connection to a local dry cleaner who is known for laundering money, and the dry cleaner is later shot by a man matching the description of the restaurant shooter. Gregg gets orders "from above" to back off the case, later telling Cat at their dinner spot that the orders came from the CIA. The two spend the night together, which Cat regrets in the morning. After interviewing a neighbor in Fernanda's building, a man who has raised a Venezuelan boy as his own, Cat and Leo also discover that Fernanda was a detective in Venezuela, who had legally changed her name upon coming from the U.S. They also find that Fernanda lost her parents in a car crash, but her brother who was also in the car was never found. The neighbor turns out to be a CIA agent who stole the boy when his wife couldn't have children, and his bodyguard has been doing the shootings. Fernanda is reunited with her brother for the first time since the two were very young. Elsewhere, Cat has a hard time seeing Captain Baker and Frankie show their affection in public. (en)
- A mob boss plots to kidnap Leo's son and ex-wife, who are headed to New York. Meanwhile, Cat has to help Gregg prove himself innocent of a brutal crime. (en)
- Cat and Leo investigate the murder of a motorcycle messenger, and Cat gets her driver's license back - which means she won't need Leo anymore. (en)
- While in the cab, Cat and Leo witness a prison transport van being cornered and disabled. During a shoot-out, two prisoners are killed, but four others escape after Cat takes on the attackers. Cat discovers that the only witness to her father's murder is among the escapees, so she assumes the Capella family ordered the ambush. It turns out that a Russian crime boss is after a different prisoner, but Cat must still try to locate the witness to keep her out of harm's way. Meanwhile, Cat sets up Captain Baker on a date with Frankie, but unknown to her the two had already been dating. (en)
- (en)
- Bill Heck (en)
- Chyler Leigh (en)
- Ally Walker (en)
- Jennifer Esposito (en)
- Raul Casso (en)
- José Zúñiga (en)
- Jacky Ido (en)
- James Colby (en)
- Brooklyn Heights (en)
- Revenge (en)
- The Longest Night (en)
- Ambush (en)
- Black Widow (en)
- Precious Cargo (en)
- Love Hurts (en)
- Double Identity (en)
- Cherchez les femmes (en)
- Deadline Brooklyn (en)
- Frenchmen Can't Jump (en)
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- 4.780000 (xsd:double)
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- dbr:Robert_Stuart_Nathan
- Gary Scott Thompson (en)
- Andrea Stevens (en)
- Vince McKewin (en)
- Steve Cochrane (en)
- Franck Ollivier (en)
- Richard Sweren (en)
- James Kee & David Bradley Halls (en)
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- Taxi Brooklyn ist eine französisch-US-amerikanisch coproduzierte Fernsehserie, die durch EuropaCorp Television für die Fernsehsender TF1 und NBC produziert wurde. Sie umfasst eine Staffel mit zwölf Folgen. Die deutsche Erstausstrahlung lief ab 7. November 2014 bei RTL Crime, die Free-TV-Ausstrahlung lief ab dem 25. Juni 2015 bei RTL. Sie basiert lose auf den Taxi-Filmen von Luc Besson und wurde von Gary Scott Thompson erdacht und produziert. Am 6. März 2015 wurde bekanntgegeben, dass keine zweite Staffel der Serie bestellt wird. (de)
- Taxi Brooklyn es una serie de televisión de procedimiento policial de acción comedia franco-estadounidense, producida por EuropaCorp Television. Los protagonistas de la serie son Chyler Leigh y Jacky Ido, se basa en la película Taxi escrita por Luc Besson. El 6 de marzo de 2015, NBC canceló la serie en los EE. UU. (es)
- Taxi Brooklyn est une série télévisée française, mêlant la comédie et l'action, inspirée par la série de films Taxi, créée par Gary Scott Thompson et produite par TF1. Elle est diffusée en Belgique à partir du 21 mars 2014 sur La Deux, et en France sur TF1, à partir du 14 avril 2014, puis sur Numéro 23 à partir du 22 août 2018. Elle est diffusée aux États-Unis du 25 juin au 10 septembre 2014 sur le réseau NBC. (fr)
- Taxi Brooklyn is a French-American action-comedy police procedural television series, produced by EuropaCorp Television. The series stars Chyler Leigh and Jacky Ido, and is based upon the film Taxi written by Luc Besson. On March 6, 2015, NBC canceled the series in the United States. (en)
- Taxi Brooklyn è una serie televisiva francese e statunitense sviluppata da Gary Scott Thompson, Stephen Tolkin, Franck Ollivier. (it)
- 『TAXI ブルックリン』(タクシー ブルックリン)は、ヨーロッパ・コープテレビジョン制作のTVドラマ。リュック・ベッソン制作の映画『TAXi』のドラマ版として制作された。 (ja)
- Taxi Brooklyn – dramatyczny serial telewizyjny z elementami komedii wyprodukowany przezEuropaCorp Television dla francuskiej stacji TF1. Światową premierę serial miał 14 kwietnia 2014 roku na TF1. Serial jest oparty na filmie Taxi Luca Bessona. Za opracowanie scenariuszu odpowiadali , oraz . Premierowy odcinek został wyemitowany 25 czerwca 2014 roku przez stacje NBC. 27 lutego 2015 roku, stacja NBC anulowała serial po pierwszym sezonie. W Polsce serial jest emitowany od 8 sierpnia 2016 roku przez Canal+ Seriale. (pl)
- «Такси: Южный Бруклин» — французско-американский телевизионный детективный сериал по мотивам фильма «Такси», написанном Люком Бессоном. (ru)
- «Таксі: Бруклін» (англ. Taxi Brooklyn) — французько-американський телесеріал на основі фільмів Таксі. (uk)
- 《布魯克林計程車》(英語:Taxi Brooklyn)是一部描寫橫跨美、法兩國的動作喜劇電視連續劇,由凱樂·利和傑奇 · 伊多(Jacky Ido)主演,以法國導演盧 · 貝松(Luc Besson)的電影終極殺陣(Taxi)為基礎改編而來。 (zh)
- Taxi Brooklyn (de)
- Taxi Brooklyn (es)
- Taxi Brooklyn (fr)
- Taxi Brooklyn (it)
- TAXI ブルックリン (ja)
- Taxi Brooklyn (pl)
- Taxi Brooklyn (en)
- Такси: Южный Бруклин (ru)
- Таксі: Бруклін (uk)
- 布魯克林計程車 (zh)
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