Ted is an upcoming American comedy television series created by Seth MacFarlane, who also reprises his role as the voice of the titular character, it serves as a prequel to the films, and is the third overall installment in the Ted franchise.
Ted is an upcoming American comedy television series created by Seth MacFarlane, who also reprises his role as the voice of the titular character, it serves as a prequel to the films, and is the third overall installment in the Ted franchise. (en)
《19곰 테드》(영어: Ted)는 피콕에서 방영 예정인 미국의 코미디 드라마이다. 영화 《19곰 테드》의 프리퀄 작품이다. (ko)
Ted is an upcoming American comedy television series created by Seth MacFarlane, who also reprises his role as the voice of the titular character, it serves as a prequel to the films, and is the third overall installment in the Ted franchise. (en)