The 1st V Chart Awards (第一届音悦V榜年度盛典) is a Chinese music awards hosted by YinYueTai in 2013 at Cadillac Arena, Beijing. The emcee for the awards ceremony were Mickey Huang and Ma Song.
The 1st V Chart Awards (第一届音悦V榜年度盛典) is a Chinese music awards hosted by YinYueTai in 2013 at Cadillac Arena, Beijing. The emcee for the awards ceremony were Mickey Huang and Ma Song. (en)
The 1st V Chart Awards (第一届音悦V榜年度盛典) is a Chinese music awards hosted by YinYueTai in 2013 at Cadillac Arena, Beijing. The emcee for the awards ceremony were Mickey Huang and Ma Song. (en)