- Katakomben der Freiheit (portugiesisch: Os Subterrâneos da Liberdade) ist eine Roman-Trilogie des brasilianischen Schriftstellers Jorge Amado, die – in Paris, Moskau und Prag geschrieben – 1954 in São Paulo erschien. Die Übertragung ins Deutsche von A. T. Salatrégui kam 1955 sowie 1958 als Nachauflage im Verlag Volk und Welt heraus. Brasilien 1937 bis 1940: Der Bankier José Costa Vale fürchtet um seinen Besitz. Er wähnt, die von den Kommunisten angestifteten Habenichtse wollen ihn enteignen. Zusammen mit der Millionärin Comendadora da Tôrre – das ist eine Fabrikbesitzerin – und dem Großgrundbesitzer Venâncio Florival will er den brasilianischen Kommunisten – diesem Häuflein Idealisten – den Garaus machen. Geheimpolizeiliche Verfolgung, Festnahme, hochnotpeinliche Marter und mehrjähriges Gefängnis auf Fernando de Noronha sind alltägliche Mittel in diesem Überlebenskampf der drei erwähnten Repräsentanten der Großbourgeoisie. Mit dem Romantitel sind verborgene Orte in Brasilien gemeint, an denen Mitglieder der Kommunistischen Partei Brasiliens (KPB) ab November 1937 gegen den „Neuen Staat“ des Diktators Getúlio Vargas kämpfen. Im Band I der zweibändigen deutschen Ausgabe des Romans erzählt Jorge Amado beispielsweise über eine illegale Druckerei: „Ein Greis und ein Jüngling, der alte Orestes und der junge Jofre, bewachten die Druckerei des Volkes; das Alter und die Jugend schmiedeten die Zukunft in den Katakomben der Freiheit.“ (de)
- The Bowels of Liberty (Portuguese: Os Subterrâneos da Liberdade) is a trilogy of Brazilian Modernist novels written by Jorge Amado in 1954. The trilogy comprises Bitter Times (Os ásperos tempos), Agony of Night (Agonia da noite) and Light at the End of the Tunnel (A luz no túnel). Together, the three books of the trilogy represent a detailed criticism of the Getúlio Vargas dictatorship, known as the Estado Novo (1937–45). In these three novels Amado focuses on São Paulo unlike most of his other works which were based in Bahia. The three novels were published in 1954. In the first five editions they were published as a single volume, but from the sixth edition they were released as three separate volumes, as originally planned by Amado. Bitter Times is set in the time of the beginning of the Novo Estado regime where politicians are shown as pawns of the elite, particularly the bankers. The novel also portrays the weaknesses of other political groupings, such as the Trotskyites and union leaders. Written around fifteen years after the fictional events described, the novel sets out to teach Brazilian history and emphasise the role of resistance movements. Much of the plot follows a Communist Party member travelling through Uruguay, where Amado himself lived in exile in the 1930s. Agony of Night describes the crimes of the Novo Estado regime and the resistance of the Brazilian Communist Party, against the backdrop of the Second World War. The plot follows Doroteu, a docker at the port of Santos. He takes part in a strike against shipment of Brazilian coffee to the Spanish State of caudillo Francisco Franco, a strike that gets significant support throughout São Paulo State. The novel stresses the need for political combat and for resistance against the Brazilian dictatorship. Light at the End of the Tunnel follows the persecution of the Communist Party after the strikes described in Agony of Night. The story timeline goes up to the 1940 trial of the communist leader Luís Carlos Prestes, about whom Amado also wrote a biography, The Knight of Hope. Amado describes São Paulo police atrocities and characters from the other books in the trilogy re-appear, such as the banker Costa Vale and an American businessman. (en)
- I sotterranei della libertà è un'opera letteraria di Jorge Amado, pubblicata nel 1954. L'opera si suddivide in tre volumi: Tempi difficili (Os ásperos tempos), Agonia della notte (Agonia da noite) e La luce in fondo al tunnel (A luz no túnel). In italiano è pubblicata in tre volumi da Einaudi, nella traduzione di Daniela Ferioli. (it)
- Os Subterrâneos da Liberdade é um romance publicado em três volumes de autoria do escritor brasileiro Jorge Amado, membro da Academia Brasileira de Letras, publicado em 1954. (pt)
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- The Bowels of Liberty (en)
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- Os Subterrâneos da Liberdade (en)
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- I sotterranei della libertà è un'opera letteraria di Jorge Amado, pubblicata nel 1954. L'opera si suddivide in tre volumi: Tempi difficili (Os ásperos tempos), Agonia della notte (Agonia da noite) e La luce in fondo al tunnel (A luz no túnel). In italiano è pubblicata in tre volumi da Einaudi, nella traduzione di Daniela Ferioli. (it)
- Os Subterrâneos da Liberdade é um romance publicado em três volumes de autoria do escritor brasileiro Jorge Amado, membro da Academia Brasileira de Letras, publicado em 1954. (pt)
- Katakomben der Freiheit (portugiesisch: Os Subterrâneos da Liberdade) ist eine Roman-Trilogie des brasilianischen Schriftstellers Jorge Amado, die – in Paris, Moskau und Prag geschrieben – 1954 in São Paulo erschien. Die Übertragung ins Deutsche von A. T. Salatrégui kam 1955 sowie 1958 als Nachauflage im Verlag Volk und Welt heraus. (de)
- The Bowels of Liberty (Portuguese: Os Subterrâneos da Liberdade) is a trilogy of Brazilian Modernist novels written by Jorge Amado in 1954. The trilogy comprises Bitter Times (Os ásperos tempos), Agony of Night (Agonia da noite) and Light at the End of the Tunnel (A luz no túnel). (en)
- Katakomben der Freiheit (de)
- I sotterranei della libertà (it)
- The Bowels of Liberty (en)
- Os Subterrâneos da Liberdade (pt)
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- Os Subterrâneos da Liberdade (en)
- The Bowels of Liberty (en)
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