The Night of Love is a 1927 drama film, produced by Samuel Goldwyn, released by United Artists, and stars Ronald Colman, Vilma Bánky, and Montagu Love. The screenplay by Lenore J. Coffee is based on the play by Pedro Calderón de la Barca.
The Night of love est un film américain réalisé par George Fitzmaurice et sorti en 1927. (fr)
The Night of Love is a 1927 drama film, produced by Samuel Goldwyn, released by United Artists, and stars Ronald Colman, Vilma Bánky, and Montagu Love. The screenplay by Lenore J. Coffee is based on the play by Pedro Calderón de la Barca. (en)
«Ночь любви» (англ. The Night of Love) — немая приключенческая драма 1927 года. (ru)
The Night of love est un film américain réalisé par George Fitzmaurice et sorti en 1927. (fr)
The Night of Love is a 1927 drama film, produced by Samuel Goldwyn, released by United Artists, and stars Ronald Colman, Vilma Bánky, and Montagu Love. The screenplay by Lenore J. Coffee is based on the play by Pedro Calderón de la Barca. (en)
«Ночь любви» (англ. The Night of Love) — немая приключенческая драма 1927 года. (ru)