The first season of Burmese reality talent show The Voice Myanmar premiered on February 18, 2018 on MRTV-4. Kyar Pauk, Ni Ni Khin Zaw, Yan Yan Chan and Lynn Lynn were coaches for this season.
The first season of Burmese reality talent show The Voice Myanmar premiered on February 18, 2018 on MRTV-4. Kyar Pauk, Ni Ni Khin Zaw, Yan Yan Chan and Lynn Lynn were coaches for this season. (en)
The first season of Burmese reality talent show The Voice Myanmar premiered on February 18, 2018 on MRTV-4. Kyar Pauk, Ni Ni Khin Zaw, Yan Yan Chan and Lynn Lynn were coaches for this season. (en)