- TianMu West Road is an east–west direction main road in Taiwan, Taipei, Tianmu area. There's a bridge on this road and the river it across, Huangxi, which divide Shilin District and Beitou District, therefore, this road is also an important road because it connects two districts together. Its former name in the years when the American armies were still in Taiwan, was combined with Tianmu North Road now, became "L" shaped road, and they've called it Tianmu Third Road. Now Tianmu North Road has a republic, and west side of Tianmu North Road, which continues the Tianmu West Road and was called Shipai Thirty-sixth Road in 1970, has combined in 1991 and became what we know and what we can see now. This is a non-sectionized, two sides, two ways road, and the width is 28m, the length is 888m. Roadsides are mainly the third sort of business land(cite from Construction and Planning Agency, MOI), which was the Tianmu shopping center before. Others, there is the Third type of residential, market land, square land, parkland, and green space land. (en)
- 天母西路(通用漢語:TianMu W. Rd.,威妥瑪拼音:T'ienmu W. Rd.),為臺灣臺北市天母地區重要的東西向幹道,以磺溪橋橫跨士林、北投兩區。過去美軍駐台時期與今天母北路連接為L型走向之天母三路,現天母北路口以西路段為1970年代新闢之石牌三十六號路,於1991年以前整併為今名,全長888公尺,路寬28公尺。 道路兩側多為內政部所劃定之第三種商業區,為過去天母商圈的核心區域,此外也有第三種住宅區、市場用地、廣場用地、公園用地和綠地用地。 (zh)
- 天母西路(通用漢語:TianMu W. Rd.,威妥瑪拼音:T'ienmu W. Rd.),為臺灣臺北市天母地區重要的東西向幹道,以磺溪橋橫跨士林、北投兩區。過去美軍駐台時期與今天母北路連接為L型走向之天母三路,現天母北路口以西路段為1970年代新闢之石牌三十六號路,於1991年以前整併為今名,全長888公尺,路寬28公尺。 道路兩側多為內政部所劃定之第三種商業區,為過去天母商圈的核心區域,此外也有第三種住宅區、市場用地、廣場用地、公園用地和綠地用地。 (zh)
- TianMu West Road is an east–west direction main road in Taiwan, Taipei, Tianmu area. There's a bridge on this road and the river it across, Huangxi, which divide Shilin District and Beitou District, therefore, this road is also an important road because it connects two districts together. Its former name in the years when the American armies were still in Taiwan, was combined with Tianmu North Road now, became "L" shaped road, and they've called it Tianmu Third Road. Now Tianmu North Road has a republic, and west side of Tianmu North Road, which continues the Tianmu West Road and was called Shipai Thirty-sixth Road in 1970, has combined in 1991 and became what we know and what we can see now. This is a non-sectionized, two sides, two ways road, and the width is 28m, the length is 888m. (en)