- Willibad, Willebad, o Willihad (mort el 642) fou patrici de Burgúndia en la primera part del segle VII. Willibad podria haver estat un franc o potser un burgundi, un dels últims representants de la noblesa nativa que havia estat sotmesa pels francs el 534. El centre del poder de Willibad fou Lió, Viena, i Valence. La influència de Willibad a Burgúndia, encara que immens, no era absoluta. Entre els seus enemics estaven els ducs Cramnelè (Chramnelenus) de Bisantio (Besançon), Wandalbert de Chambly, i Amalgar de Dijon. El clan de Waldelenus i els seguidors de sant Columbà també se li oposaven. Willibad tenia una enemistat de molt de temps amb Flacoald i quan aquest darrer fou nomenat majordom de palau de Borgonya el 639 Flacoald immediatament va començar a intentar destruir a Willibad. En una cort a Chalon, Flacoald va intentar assassinar-lo, però va fallar; va sortir llavors de palau i el va desafiar a un duel però el germà de Flacoald, Amalbert, en va impedir la celebració. Finalment, Clodoveu II i Flacoald van acordar conjuntament eliminar a Willibad; el rei va celebrar cort prop d'Autun i va convocar a Willibad. Els dos magnats burgundis es van enfrontar en una batalla en la qual Willibad va morir. Flacoald només li va sobreviure onze dies. Segons Fredegari, qui sembla que es va interessar personalment en aquest esdeveniment, l'últim que va enregistrar, els dos foren víctimes del judici diví, perquè havien jurat amistat en llocs sagrats i havien espoliat posteriorment terra per enriquir-se i s'havien fet guerra l'un contra l'altre. Després de la batalla a Autun, la tenda de Willibad havia estat saquejada i la seva riquesa dispersada. Algunes monedes trobades a Buis, a Saona i Loira, han estat adjudicades hipotèticament al seu tresor. (ca)
- Willibad, auch Willebad oder Willihad, († 642 in Autun) war ein gallorömischer Adeliger und in der Merowingerzeit Patricius sowie oberster Heerführer des fränkischen Teilreiches Burgund. (de)
- Willibad, also spelled Willebad or Willihad (died 642), was the Patrician of Burgundian Provence) in the first half of the seventh century. Willibad may have been a Frank or perhaps a Burgundian, one of the last representatives of the native nobility which had been subdued by the Franks in 534. He died in the Battle of Autun in 642/643. The centre of Willibad's power was Lyon, Vienne, and Valence. Willibad's influence in Burgundy, though immense, was not absolute. Among his enemies were the dukes , , and Amalgar of Dijon. The clan of Waldelenus and the supporters of Columban also opposed him. Willibad had a long-running feud with Flaochad when the latter was appointed mayor of the palace of Burgundy in 639. Flaochad immediately set out to destroy Willibad. At a court at Chalon, Flaochad tried to assassinate him, but, failing, instead left his palace to challenge him to a duel, which Flaochad's brother Amalbert prevented from happening. Finally, Clovis II, conspiring with Flaochad, held a court near Autun and summoned Willibad. The two Burgundian magnates met in battle and Willibad was killed. Flaochad only survived him eleven days. According to Fredegar, who seems to have been personally interested in this event, the last which he recorded, both were the victims of divine judgement, for they had sworn friendship in holy places and had subsequently despoiled land to enrich themselves and made war on each other. After the battle at Autun, Willibad's tent had been pillaged and his wealth dispersed. A hoard of coins found at Buis in Saône-et-Loire have been hypothesized to be from his treasure. (en)
- Віллібад (Вілліхад) (фр. Willibad; д/н — 642) — патрикій Провансу і префект Марселю в 641—642 роках. (uk)
- Willibad, auch Willebad oder Willihad, († 642 in Autun) war ein gallorömischer Adeliger und in der Merowingerzeit Patricius sowie oberster Heerführer des fränkischen Teilreiches Burgund. (de)
- Віллібад (Вілліхад) (фр. Willibad; д/н — 642) — патрикій Провансу і префект Марселю в 641—642 роках. (uk)
- Willibad, Willebad, o Willihad (mort el 642) fou patrici de Burgúndia en la primera part del segle VII. Willibad podria haver estat un franc o potser un burgundi, un dels últims representants de la noblesa nativa que havia estat sotmesa pels francs el 534. El centre del poder de Willibad fou Lió, Viena, i Valence. La influència de Willibad a Burgúndia, encara que immens, no era absoluta. Entre els seus enemics estaven els ducs Cramnelè (Chramnelenus) de Bisantio (Besançon), Wandalbert de Chambly, i Amalgar de Dijon. El clan de Waldelenus i els seguidors de sant Columbà també se li oposaven. (ca)
- Willibad, also spelled Willebad or Willihad (died 642), was the Patrician of Burgundian Provence) in the first half of the seventh century. Willibad may have been a Frank or perhaps a Burgundian, one of the last representatives of the native nobility which had been subdued by the Franks in 534. He died in the Battle of Autun in 642/643. The centre of Willibad's power was Lyon, Vienne, and Valence. Willibad's influence in Burgundy, though immense, was not absolute. Among his enemies were the dukes , , and Amalgar of Dijon. The clan of Waldelenus and the supporters of Columban also opposed him. (en)