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View all- Seidel N(2021)Designing systems for mobile collaborationProceedings of the 26th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs10.1145/3489449.3489999(1-13)Online publication date: 7-Jul-2021
Recently, we have been witnessing how various social applications and networking services are being integrated more deeply into our daily lives. Until now, social interaction has been attributed exclusively to humans, while resources and the smart space ...
A smart space enhances a networked computing environment by enabling information sharing for a multitude of local digital devices and global resources from the Internet. We consider the M3 architecture (multi-device, multi-vendor, multi-domain) for ...
Context-aware ubiquitous computing environments tend to be highly distributed and heterogeneous, while also featuring increased dynamism as elements, devices and middleware components join, leave and change their status. In such environments, ...
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