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Towards interactive smart spaces

Published: 01 January 2013 Publication History


Recently, we have been witnessing how various social applications and networking services are being integrated more deeply into our daily lives. Until now, social interaction has been attributed exclusively to humans, while resources and the smart space have supported interaction as passive mediators only. However, the involvement of smart spaces as an active actor in the interaction process facilitates more flexible and user-centered applications for users. This article explores how knowledge-based technologies enable smart spaces to actively take part in the interaction. We argue that smart spaces should be able not only to adapt their behaviour according to the actions of humans and other participants, but also initiate interaction when it is necessary. In order to support this statement, we categorise the types of interaction from the participants' perspective, and review and evaluate the technologies enabling interaction in smart spaces. Furthermore, we present our constructive research on interaction in smart spaces: proof-of-concept prototype applications realizing different architectures and supporting various types of interaction in smart spaces.


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  1. Towards interactive smart spaces



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments
    Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments  Volume 5, Issue 1
    Context Awareness
    January 2013
    139 pages


    IOS Press


    Publication History

    Published: 01 January 2013

    Author Tags

    1. Context-Awareness
    2. Knowledge-Based Systems
    3. Smart Spaces
    4. Social Interaction


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    • (2017)Human interaction with IoT-based smart environmentsMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-016-3697-376:11(13343-13365)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2017
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