The TLA+ Video Course
Last modified 23 October 2021
This is a series of video lectures to teach programmers and software
engineers how to write their own TLA+ specifications. It assumes
a basic understanding of programming concepts. Some knowledge of
elementary mathematics, such as might be taught in a beginning
university math course for computer scientists, would also be
A Word of Warning
These videos are not light entertainment.
They require careful viewing and actual thinking.
You may often stop a video to digest what you've just seen, and
perhaps to skip back and view it again.
To accompany the videos, coffee will be better than popcorn.
The lectures can be watched on the Web. However, people with
slow network connections might prefer to download lower resolution
versions of the videos and watch them off-line.
Instructions on how to do that are given
The script of each video is also provided.
It contains everything shown and said on the video, except for shots
of the author.
The hearing impaired and viewers not fluent in English will find it
helpful to read the script as they watch the video.
The script can also be read instead of watching the video by those who
want to review the lecture and those who hate videos.
However, the html file that displays the video may be needed to download
The Lectures
- Introduction to TLA+
Explains what TLA+ is and why you might want to use it.
It introduces the concept of a state machine.
Length: 21:18
Web version
Offline Version:
video file,
zip file
- Script
- State Machines in TLA+
Shows how a simple state machine is described in TLA+,
giving the first glimpse of a TLA+ specification.
Length: 15:40
Web version
Offline version:
video file,
zip file
- Script
- Resources and Tools
Describes resources for learning about TLA+.
Explains how to download the Toolbox and shows how
to use it to open a spec, view the pretty-printed version,
and run TLC on it.
The script does not display what is being said in some portions
of the video that demonstrate the use of the Toolbox.
Length: 11:13
Web version
Offline version:
video file,
zip file
- Script
- Die Hard
We save the lives of two Hollywood action heroes.
On the way, you will start learning to write
TLA+ specs and checking them with the parser and with TLC.
Length: 19:39
Web version
Offline version:
video file,
zip file
- Script
- Transaction Commit
Commitment, in marriage and
database transactions, is specified. You also
how to use mathematical functions in specifications.
Length: 24:39
Web version
Offline version:
video file,
zip file
- Script
- Two-Phase Commit
How commitment is achieved, in marriage and database
transactions. You also learn about records in TLA+
and some more about using TLC.
Length: 21:22
Web version
Offline version:
video file,
zip file
- Script
- Paxos Commit
Specifies a real fault-tolerant algorithm
for committing database transactions. It explains a few
mathematical operations for constructing and combining sets.
Length: 19:46
Web version
Offline version:
video file,
zip file
- Script
- Implementation
A two-part lecture that introduces temporal formulas and
explains what it means for one specification to implement
Length: Part 1: 15:53, Part 2: 12:13
Part 1: Preliminaries
Web version
Offline version:
video file,
zip file
- Script
Part 2: How it Works
Web version
Offline version:
video file,
zip file
- Script
- The Alternating Bit Protocol
A two-part lecture that explains liveness, which describes what
must happen, and fairness.
Part 1: The High Level Specification
Web version
Offline version:
video file,
zip file
- Script
Length: 20:51
Part 2: The Protocol
Web version
Offline version:
video file,
zip file
- Script
Length: 18:45
- Implementation with Refinement
A two-part lecture that explains the general meaning of implementation,
which involves refinement mappings.
Part 1: Preliminaries
Web version
Offline version:
video file,
zip file
- Script
Length: 19:53
Part 2: Refinement Mappings
Web version
Offline version:
video file,
zip file
- Script
Length: 21:26
Downloading Instructions
Before watching any lecture off-line, download
and extract its contents into a folder. Let's suppose you name the
That folder should then contain
the files
and the folder
To watch a lecture off-line, download the lecture's video file and
zip file, which will have the same first names, into the
folder tla-lectures
Let's suppose those files are named
Extract the contents of
folder tla-lectures
One of the extracted files will
be named smandtla.html
(For most lectures, the zip file will contain only that file.)
To view the video, open a Web browser on this html file.