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Table of Contents

Mailing Lists

There are 2 PECL-related mailing lists available. Both of them have archives available, and they are also available as newsgroups on our news server. The archives are searchable.

PECL mailinglists Moderated Archive Newsgroup Normal Digest
PECL developers list
A list for developers of PECL
no yes yes http pecl-dev available
All the commits of the svn PECL code repository are posted to this list automatically
no yes yes http pecl-cvs n/a

Subscribing and Unsubscribing

To subscribe to pecl-dev, send an email to pecl-dev+subscribe@lists.php.net and you will be sent a confirmation mail that explains how to proceed with the subscription process. And to instead receive digested (daily) pecl-dev email, use pecl-dev+subscribe-digest@lists.php.net. Similarly, use +unsubscribe instead of +subscribe to do the exact opposite.

There are a variety of commands you can use to modify your subscription. Send a message to pecl-dev+help@lists.php.net to retrieve a list with options.

If you have questions concerning this website, you can contact php-webmaster@lists.php.net.

Powered By PECL

What programming tool would be complete without a set of icons to put on your webpage, telling the world what makes your site tick?

Powered by PECL, GIF format Powered by PECL, GIF format
88 x 31 pixels
854 bytes
Powered by PECL, PNG format Powered by PECL, PNG format
88 x 31 pixels
1468 bytes
PECL icon, GIF format PECL icon, GIF format
32 x 32 pixels
398 bytes
PECL icon, PNG format PECL icon, PNG format
32 x 32 pixels
945 bytes

Note: Please do not just include these icons directly but download them and save them locally in order to keep HTTP traffic low.

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