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ecoologic's Profile

GitHub User: ecoologic

Comments by ecoologic


... I see Ryan adds it at the end of the episode, I had to do it when I first implemented the storeage


I also had to commit the record creation, here's my addEntry (ember 1.0.0-rc.1)

  addEntry: ->
    Raffler.Entry.createRecord(name: @get('newEntryName'))
    @get('store').commit() # <- commit the creation
    @set('newEntryName', '')

would be useful to have the Gemfile in the user notes as well


Weird, just got interested in Rack a week ago and here comes another good episode, by the way I found this screencast and I taught Ryan was covering basic things I already came across and instead I learn many new and useful stuff! - thanks thanks again


neat, clear, interesting as usual, they're nice to watch just to appreciate the quality!


prepend_view_path is awesome, I wish I had that on a big messy app I picked up some months ago, - thank you


this episode looks obsolete after #246, but still good exercise, thank you!


great! just what I needed, thanks again


very interesting, very useful, very well explained... and rails code is very clear! - thank you


I like the new queries much more than in 2.3, I find the chaining functionality the most useful. - thank you


there is always (at the very least) a small thing to learn or to remember to be aware of, even in the old well known episodes. - thanks


in your Gemfile just add gem 'table_builder' and from your console bundle install but I guess in a week you figured it out...


I love these patterns to dry up my code! - thanks


I agree as well, though I'm new with it, I see the potential


Indeed I gave it a try and I found it awesome! thanks @jnicklas, @rmagick and of course @ryanb


Very interesting once again... though I read about alias_method_chain that in rails 3
> it has been replaced by a clever use of method overriding in modules and the super keyword.
on stackoverflow

Thanks a lot!