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Showing posts with label Add-ons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Add-ons. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Isle of Thunder Rare Spawns

There are a total of eleven rares on the Isle of Thunder. Ten of them are required for the achievement Champions of Lei Shen. They are all on very short re-spawn timers that seem to be between 30min to an hour, and certain rares become available after unlocking different Stages of progression on the Isle. (More info on that below.)

All of these rares (minus Ra'sha) share the new tapping system introduced in patch 5.2, where so long as you participate in killing the rare you will have access to it's loot. As more and more people join in on the fight, the mob's health pool will increase with each additional player. All in all, I think this new system is great, as it gives players around the Isle more time to get to each rare once it's been called out.

Each of these rares is guaranteed to drop a Tome of Valor worth 15 valor points each time you kill them. They will also drop a single Shan'ze Ritual Stone and a Key to the Palace of Lei Shen for an individual character once each week (so long as you haven't already looted the key elsewhere). Obtaining three ritual stones will unlock the group quest Setting the Trap, which will then lead to the weekly group quest Champions of the Thunder King. Obtaining a Key to the Palace of Lei Shen will unlock the weekly solo scenario Troves of the Thunder King where you will have five minutes to grab as much treasure as you can before the clock runs out.

These rares also have a very small chance to drop the item that begins the questline for warlocks to get their green fire; Sealed Tome of the Lost Legion. The tome seems to be roughly a 2-3% drop chance off of any one of the rares (minus Ra'sha), and can only be looted by warlocks. When combined with a Healthstone the item becomes The Codex of Xerrath, which starts the questline with An Unusual Tome.

So without further adieu, here are each of these rares listed below in the order they became accessible on the Isle. If you scroll further down the page I also have a slightly more up to date map showing exactly where they can be found.

Haywire Sunreaver Construct
NPCID: 50358
Coordinates: 48, 85
Location Description: Running along the shores in southwestern Ihgaluk Crag
Base Health: 10539k
Notable Loot: Sunreaver Micro-Sentry

Abilities: Haywire: Go Haywire! Deals 18500 to 21500 Nature damage to all enemies within 40 yards every 1 sec. for 20 sec and increases movement speed by 100%. (Ranged players can still dps him and not get hit, so long as you stay right at about 40 yards. Others should be able to heal through it. If you don't have heals, I recommend getting away from him for the 20 seconds he casts this.)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I put a poll up a couple of weeks ago asking people what addon they use to track rares or if they even use one at all. I've gotten a few responses so far, and I'm noticing a trend in the answers. Most people use NPCScan, roughly 20% use SilverDragon and about 10% haven't used any addons at all to find rares. I'm going to leave this poll up for a while, and I'm sure the numbers will change a bit, but ultimately I got what I was looking for.

I honestly thought there would be a few more people using SilverDragon than there are. Those of you out there who aren't using SilverDragon or any addons at all to find rares I'm going to tell you here a few reasons why you should consider giving this addon a try.

First of all, I am not nearly as familiar with SilverDragon as I am with NPCScan, but I have been using it for the past few months and I feel like I've gotten a pretty good handle on it. Let me start off by saying I currently use both NPCScan and SilverDragon. For me they each have their purpose. NPCScan has a wonderful overlay that you can download with it that shows where certain rares can be found that is very close to being correct and it's pretty easy to figure out. If you want more info on NPCScan you can find it on this post. The rest of this particular post however is going to be devoted to SilverDragon. 

Like NPCScan, SilverDragon can be downloaded from Curse.com. It tracks rare spawns in game, but unlike NPCScan, it tracks EVERY rare as far as I know. (That means anything under level 60 is in there too folks!) It comes with a list of all rares, and once you have the addon ready to roll all of those rares just need to be imported before SilverDragon will find them for you. In the screen shot to the right you can see the "Import Data" button under the Data Management tab. When you first download this addon and begin to use it make sure you click that before you start your rare hunting. When you click it you should see a message in your chat box along the lines of "SilverDragon_Config: Imported (number) rares." 

SilverDragon will show up on your minimap, your chocolatebar, or whatever you use as a little red dragon head icon. (Shown in the screenshot below.) When you click on the SilverDragon icon it will show you all of the rare spawns that could potentailly be up in the zone you are currently in. In the screen shot below I am flying through Northern Stranglethorn Vale and there are a total of seven rare spawns. Notice how it also tells you which ones are tamable! I had not yet seen any of these rares since I last cleared my cache in this screen shot. When a rare is found it will become cached and SilverDragon will display that info.

Monday, June 6, 2011


I posted a very similar post in my other blog Find Aeonaxx devoted to finding the rare spawn Aeonaxx in Deepholm. I cannot stress enough that NPC scan is an absolute necessity if you plan on hunting rare spawns. I have tried other addons with the same purpose, but I always come back to NPCScan. You can download it from Curse.com. I also highly recommend downloading NPCScan.Overlay as well. (NPCScan.Overlay adds an overlay to your map which displays where rare mobs patrol.) In the screenshot below you can see an example of this. The colorful areas are where different rares can be found, and in the bottom left hand of your screen it will tell you the name of the rare spawn using a nice color code to tell you which mob patrols in each area. When a rare is found you will be able tell the approximate location that it has been found right on your map because a small, almost transparent circle will appear in the color associated with the particular npc. As you can see below I found Shok'sharak in the western spawn location in Promontory Point.

What NPCScan does is track rarely seen mobs in the game by proximity. When a rare npc is found npcscan checks your creature cache and the mob becomes "cached". It is extremely important that you clear your cache often. Npcscan will NOT be able to find a cached npc again until your cache has been cleared. Although kind of annoying, clearing your cache is relatively simple.