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Tweet NLP

We provide a tokenizer, a part-of-speech tagger, hierarchical word clusters, and a dependency parser for tweets, along with annotated corpora and web-based annotation tools.

Contributors: Archna Bhatia, Dipanjan Das, Chris Dyer, Jacob Eisenstein, Jeffrey Flanigan, Kevin Gimpel, Michael Heilman, Lingpeng Kong, Daniel Mills, Brendan O'Connor, Olutobi Owoputi, Nathan Schneider, Noah Smith, Swabha Swayamdipta and Dani Yogatama.

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Part-of-Speech Tagging

We provide a fast and robust Java-based tokenizer and part-of-speech tagger for tweets, its training data of manually labeled POS annotated tweets, a web-based annotation tool, and hierarchical word clusters from unlabeled tweets.

These were created by Olutobi Owoputi, Brendan O'Connor, Kevin Gimpel, Nathan Schneider, Chris Dyer, Dipanjan Das, Daniel Mills, Jacob Eisenstein, Michael Heilman, Dani Yogatama, Jeffrey Flanigan, and Noah Smith.

What the tagger does

./runTagger.sh --output-format conll examples/casual.txt
These are real tweets.
ikr smh he asked fir yo last name so he can add u on fb lololol
word    tag     confidence
ikr     !       0.8143
smh     G       0.9406
he      O       0.9963
asked   V       0.9979
fir     P       0.5545
yo      D       0.6272
last    A       0.9871
name    N       0.9998
so      P       0.9838
he      O       0.9981
can     V       0.9997
add     V       0.9997
u       O       0.9978
on      P       0.9426
fb      ^       0.9453
lololol !       0.9664
  • "ikr" means "I know, right?", tagged as an interjection.
  • "so" is being used as a subordinating conjunction, which our coarse tagset denotes P.
  • "fb" means "Facebook", a very common proper noun (^).
  • "yo" is being used as equivalent to "your"; our coarse tagset has posessive pronouns as D.
  • "fir" is a misspelling or spelling variant of the preposition for.
  • Perhaps the only debatable errors in this example are for ikr and smh ("shake my head"): should they be G for miscellaneous acronym, or ! for interjection?
:o :/ :'( >:o (: :) >.< XD -__- o.O ;D :-) @_@ :P 8D :1 >:( :D =| ") :> ....
word    tag     confidence
:o      E       0.9387
:/      E       0.9983
:'(     E       0.9975
>:o     E       0.9964
(:      E       0.9994
:)      E       0.9997
>.<     E       0.9952
XD      E       0.9938
-__-    E       0.9956
o.O     E       0.9899
;D      E       0.9995
:-)     E       0.9992
@_@     E       0.9964
:P      E       0.9996
8D      E       0.9961
:       E       0.6925
1       $       0.9194
>:(     E       0.9715
:D      E       0.9996
=|      E       0.9963
"       ,       0.6125
)       ,       0.9078
:       ,       0.7460
>       G       0.7490
...     ,       0.5223
.       ,       0.9946
Challenge case for emoticon segmentation/recognition: 20/26 precision, 18/21 recall.

TweeboParser and Tweebank

We provide a dependency parser for English tweets, TweeboParser . The parser is trained on a subset of a new labeled corpus for 929 tweets (12,318 tokens) drawn from the POS-tagged tweet corpus of Owoputi et al. (2013) , Tweebank .

These were created by Lingpeng Kong, Nathan Schneider, Swabha Swayamdipta, Archna Bhatia, Chris Dyer, and Noah A. Smith.

Thanks to Tweebank annotators: Waleed Ammar, Jason Baldridge, David Bamman, Dallas Card, Shay Cohen, Jesse Dodge, Jeffrey Flanigan, Dan Garrette, Lori Levin, Wang Ling, Bill McDowell, Michael Mordowanec, Brendan O’Connor, Rohan Ramanath, Yanchuan Sim, Liang Sun, Sam Thomson, and Dani Yogatama.

What TweeboParser does

Given a tweet, TweeboParser predicts its syntactic structure, represented by unlabeled dependencies. Since a tweet often contains more than one utterance, the output of TweeboParser will often be a multi-rooted graph over the tweet. Also, many elements in tweets have no syntactic function. These include, in many cases, hashtags, URLs, and emoticons. TweeboParser tries to exclude these tokens from the parse tree (grayed out in the example below).

Please refer to the paper for more information.

An example of a dependency parse of a tweet is:

Corresponding CoNLL format representation of the dependency tree above:
1       OMG     _       !       !       _       0       _
2       I       _       O       O       _       6       _
3       ♥       _       V       V       _       6       CONJ
4       the     _       D       D       _       5       _
5       Biebs   _       N       N       _       3       _
6       &       _       &       &       _       0       _
7       want    _       V       V       _       6       CONJ
8       to      _       P       P       _       7       _
9       have    _       V       V       _       8       _
10      his     _       D       D       _       11      _
11      babies  _       N       N       _       9       _
12      !       _       ,       ,       _       -1      _
13      —>      _       G       G       _       -1       _
14      LA      _       ^       ^       _       15      MWE
15      Times   _       ^       ^       _       0       _
16      :       _       ,       ,       _       -1      _
17      Teen    _       ^       ^       _       19      _
18      Pop     _       ^       ^       _       19      _
19      Star    _       ^       ^       _       20      _
20      Heartthrob      _       ^       ^       _       21      _
21      is      _       V       V       _       0       _
22      All     _       X       X       _       24      MWE
23      the     _       D       D       _       24      MWE
24      Rage    _       N       N       _       21      _
25      on      _       P       P       _       21      _
26      Social  _       ^       ^       _       27      _
27      Media   _       ^       ^       _       25      _
28      …       _       ,       ,       _       -1      _
29      #belieber       _       #       #       _       -1      _
(HEAD = -1 means the word is not included in the tree)


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Further Reading

Please cite the appropriate paper when using these resources in research.

Twitter Word Clusters

Here is an HTML viewer of the word clusters. Produced by an unsupervised HMM: Percy Liang's Brown clustering implementation on Lui and Baldwin's langid.py-identified English tweets; see Owoputi et al. (2012) for details.

We recommend the largest one:
tweet source
50mpaths2216,856 56,345,753847,372,038100040100k tweet/day sample, 9/10/08 to 8/14/12

Also, here are the smaller ones used in the experiments.

Links to Software Provided by Others


This research was supported in part by: the NSF through CAREER grant IIS-1054319, grant IIS-1352440, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the U.S. Army Research Office under contract/grant number W911NF-10-1-0533, Sandia National Laboratories (fellowship to K. Gimpel), and the U.S. Department of Education under IES grant R305B040063 (fellowship to M. Heilman), an REU supplement to NSF grant IIS-0915187 and Google's support of the Worldly Knowledge project at CMU.