Thomas H. Cormen
If you are, then see the frequently asked question and answer below.
If you request solutions from me, I will not respond.
I occasionally taught a graduate Computer Science course on how to write papers and how to give talks. I publish a list of usage rules that I required my students to observe.
Here are answers to a few frequently asked questions about Introduction to Algorithms:
For the second and third editions, we maintained an errata page that allows you to list errors by date, by page, by severity, or by discoverer. There is even an incremental update feature, allowing you to list only the errors posted since the last date that you asked about. We stopped logging errors for the third edition in January 2019 so that we could focus on preparing the fourth edition.
Please use the clrs-bugs@mit.edu address only to report errors. If you have a suggestion or a question, please contact me directly at thc@cs.dartmouth.edu.
We have also produced an Instructor's Manual, which is available only to instructors who have adopted the book for course use. The manual has lecture notes and solutions to additional exercises and problems, but by no means all of them. (I estimate that writing up solutions to all exercises and problems would take somewhere between 2000 and 3000 pages.) You'll need to contact the MIT Press for passwords to access the manual site and the files. (Contact information is at the MIT Press website.) You cannot get the passwords from me or from any of my coauthors.
I will not respond to requests for the manual or for solutions.
package gives you pseudocode in the style
of the second edition, the clrscode3e
gives you pseudocode in the style of the third edition, and the
package gives you pseudocode in the
style of the fourth edition.
You can download the clrscode4e
package here
and its documentation here.
You can download either
or clrscode3e
and its documentation by clicking here. The clrscode
package is
also on the
CTAN website.
For the fourth edition, we have made available on the MIT Press website implementations in Python by Linda Xiao and me.
I maintain an errata page for Algorithms Unlocked. If you find an error in the book and it's not already in the errata page, send email to algorithms-unlocked@mit.edu. (The email address in the preface of the book is incorrect—the first known error in the book.)
Algorithms Unlocked is the 10,000th book title published by MIT Press.
You can also read about me on Wikipedia. (Note: I did not create this entry, nor have I edited it.) I had been listed among "Noted residents, past and present" in the Wikipedia page on Oceanside, NY, but someone removed me from the Oceanside page with the notation "Removed notable people who barely lived there or people who are not notable." Since I lived in Oceanside for the first 18 years of my life, I can only conclude that I am not notable.
My wife, Nicole, and I took a Barbecue tour of the South in August 1998.
In July 2010, I rollerbladed the Trail of the Coeur D'Alenes, a 71.4-mile-long paved rail trail in the Idaho panhandle. Accompanied by my friend, Paul Daro, who also bladed, and Nicole, who biked, we went 42 miles the first day and the balance the second day. Here is a photo of the three of us at the start of the first day, at the western trailhead in Plummer, Idaho, (on the Coeur D'Alene reservation) and here is a photo of Paul and me at the start of the second day, at the eastern trailhead in Mullan, Idaho. We met this fellow on the trail during the first day. This page has some rough videos that Paul took.
I was the Ice Man for the Maryland State Barbecue Championship in 2003, 2004, and 2005. Here's a photo from the 2005 contest of me with a quad-runner full of 40-pound bags of ice. The photo was taken by the Dizzy Pigs, the 2005 and 2006 Grand Champions. Even with the megaphone, I was pretty hoarse by the end of the second day. The Dizzy Pigs, and all the other contestants, can explain why.
I was Kansas City Barbeque Society Certified Barbeque Judge number 62145. (I have purposely let my KCBS membership lapse.) My first contest as a certified judge was the 2011 Maryland State Championship in Bel Air. Here is a photo of me just starting to judge the first item, chicken. And here is a photo after judging five entries each of chicken, pork ribs, pork, and beef brisket. (Photos courtesy of Craig Ward, a.k.a. "Mr. Time To Go," a.k.a. "Large And In Charge," the contest organizer.)
In September 1997, Nicole and I finished hiking all 48 of the 4000-foot peaks in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
Have you ever noticed something odd about bank deposit slips?
When is a door not a door?
U.S. Mail:
Department of Computer Science
Dartmouth College
6211 ECSC Building
15 Thayer Drive
Hanover, NH 03755
204 ECSC Building