Dear Sisters and Brothers, Colleagues and Friends The National Union of Journalists is calling for the reinstatement of Dr Rhetta Moran, trades unionist and senior research fellow renowned for her work with asylum seekers (Times Higher (21 October 2005), Manchester Evening News (27 February 2006)). She was sacked from Salford University in January 2005 after being removed from her leadership of the £600, 000 Salford RAPAR SRB5 research project about asylum issues. The project, that was being delivered by the charity RAPAR and that exposed the plight of asylum seekers in the north of England and proved uncomfortable for the political establishment (Observer, 12 February 2006). So far at her Employment Tribunal (ET) where she is cross examining the universitys witnesses herself:
The EAT will reconvene at Alexandra House, 14-22 The Parsonage, Manchester M3 2JA. (Alexandra House is located directly behind Kendals on Deansgate.) on the following dates: Monday 5 to Thursday 8 June inclusive Thursday 6 and Friday 7 July Thursday 17 and Friday 18 August Your continued support and solidarity are important. The tribunal sessions run from 10am to 1pm, then from around 2pm to 5pm in the afternoon. Your attendance at any time would be greatly appreciated. You may wish to let us know if you intend to come in at any time by leaving a message on : 079109768282 Please email/ fax messages of support to the NUJ office in Manchester: Best wishes Jeremy Dear, General Secretary, National Union of Journalists |