The Hazards Campaign says: Vote to save your life at work. Lobby your parliamentary candidates and party leaders on the demands listed below which would improve health and safety, save lives and money. Reject deregulation and cuts in enforcement which are based on false information and failed models, and will endanger even more lives, demand big improvements. While there isnt anything positive for workplace health and safety activists in the Labour, Tory or Liberal Democrat manifestos there is the worrying commitment to reduce regulation in the Tory one. Given the Torys persistent and corrupt attacks on health and safety laws, including those in recent weeks, this must be an issue for those considering which way to vote in the forthcoming election. The Hazards Campaign election demands on all parties Acknowledge the real harm caused by work and publicise the real risk to workers. More are killed at work than in war or from knife crime every year. Publicise the evidence about who pays and refute burdens on business myths. Who Pays? You do! Employers pay for less than 25% of the harm they cause. Increase enforcement activity to end the current enforcement crisis. Only 1 in 13 major and fatal injuries are investigated and no action at all is taken in 98% of cases. No deregulation of health and safety. There is less regulation now than when the Tories were in power 15 years ago. End employer accountability deficit by giving directors legal duties for health & safety. Fining businesses does not stop them killing again like serial killers, or liquidating the company and escaping scot free, unless directors are held to account. Support the union safety effect - increase enforcement of SRSC Regs and extend the union safety effect. Union workplaces are twice as safe and healthy, all workers should benefit from the union safety effect. Contact: 0161 636 7557 For more detailed information on the Hazards Campaign demands: Please note The cartoon on the above web page is copyright Andy Vine. See: