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Vicenç Torra
20 20 20 20

Vicenç Torra
Catedràtic en Informàtica, Universitat Umeå, Suè
Pàgina personal aquí
Adreça: Umeå University
Department of Computing Science
901 87 Umeå
Tel: +46 xxxxxxxxx
Adreça electrònica:
vtorra (ensaimada) cs (punt) umu (punt) se
tot (ensaimada) natana (punt) cat

Un llibre:
V. Torra (2022) Guide to Data Privacy: Models, Technologies, Solutions, Springer.
Introductory text to the field of data privacy, based on my lectures and my own research. It described privacy models (e.g., differential privacy, k-anonymity, privacy from re-identification, homomorphic encryption, secure multiparty computation), and devoted chapters to implementations for these privacy models (e.g., algorithms for differential privacy and k-anonymity, and examples of secure multiparty computation). This book belongs to Springer series title Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science (UTICS).
Slides and code related to the book here

Open postdoc positions -- a position is planned in 2024 (PrivAcy-AWare traNSparent deCIsions research group, Dept. Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden).
Information will be posted at University web site and I usually also post it at LinkedIn. Enllaços:

Codi Code of some of my papers here
Revisions If you are planning to invite me to review a paper the following is of your interest: I am over-committed with reviews. So, I tend to decline reviews unless I am in the editorial board of the journal, the program committee of the conference, or it is an invitation from a journal in which I regularly publish. In particular, I decline by default all papers on hesitant fuzzy sets (I am very sorry but I have no time to read them all). Naturally, if a paper seems very interesting to me I may override these rules.
Vetenskapsrådet -- Swedish Research Council-- project: Privacy-aware secure explainable data-driven models in federated learning (VR 2023-05531, period 2024-2028). Call: VR Project grant for research into cyber and information security.

WASP NET project: CyberSecIT: Security and privacy of software-driven IoT systems. (WASP-NEST, 2022-2027).

Vetenskapsrådet -- Swedish Research Council-- project: Privacy for complex data (VR 2022-04645, period 2023-2027).

FORTE project: Appropriate automation: Toward and understanding of robots and AI in the social services from an organizational and user perspective (FORTE 2021-01422, 2021-2027).

Kempe project: Identification and analysis of non-additive measures (JCSMK22-0147, 2023-2024). Topics of interest: distances and derivatives for measures, measure identification.
Some papers in this area:

Plenary talks at INFUS 2024 (Turkey), and FSTA 2024 (Slovak Republic)
Llibre editat:
Alan Said, Vicenç Torra (2019) Data Science in Practice, Springer.
"Data science is the science of data. Its goal is to explain processes and objects through the available data. The explanation is expected to be objective and accurate enough to make predictions. The ultimate goal of the explanations is to make informed decisions based on the knowledge extracted from the underlying data" (Chapter 1). This book approaches big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and business intelligence through the lens of Data Science. The book is structured into three parts: (i) the core concepts of data science, (ii) application domains, and (iii) specific tools for data science.
MIT-huset, Umeå universitet, Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå, Sweden.
Note that my old email address vt**ra@ii*a.c*ic.** does not work any more.
Transactions on Data Privacy
Indexat a les bases de dades següents DBLP, ACM Digital Library, MathSciNet, DOAJ, Elsevier (Scopus, EI)
6 papers recents:
- Big data privacy and anonymization:
K. S. Adewole, V. Torra (2022) DFTMicroagg: a dual-level anonymization algorithm for smart grid data. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 21 1299-1321. (download)
- Privacy-preserving ML model selection:
V. Torra, M. Taha, G. Navarro-Arribas, The space of models in machine learning: using Markov chains to model transitions, Progress in Artificial Intelligence 10:3 (2021) 321-332.
- Integral privacy:
V. Torra, Towards integrally private clustering: overlapping clusters for high privacy guarantees, Proc. PSD 2022.
- ML, record linkage, and disclosure risk:
N. Senavirathne, V. Torra (2021) Dissecting Membership Inference Risk in Machine Learning, Proc. CSS 2021: 36-54. (download)
- Decision making and aggregation:
J. Dujmovic, V. Torra (2021) Properties and comparison of andness-characterized aggregators, Int. J. Intell. Syst. 36 1366-1385. (download)
- Non-additive measures and integrals:
S. S. Negi, V. Torra (2022) Delta-Choquet integral on time scales with applications, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 157 (2022) 111969. (download, open access)

He escrit aquests llibres (selecció:
Llibres editats (selecció):

Estic organitzant:
PC co-chair:

Activitats (selecció)
Conferències convidades recents:
(INFUS 2022); Non-additive measures, set distances and cost functions on sets: A Fréchet-Nikodym-Aronszajn distance and cost function (IUKM 2019); Big Data Privacy and Anonymization (IFIP Summer School 2016 on Privacy and Identity Management for Life); Choquet integral: distributions and decisions (83rd EWG-MCDA 2016); Transparency and Disclosure Risk in Data Privacy (PAIS 2015)

Editor: Transactions on Data Privacy

Membre editorial: Fuzzy Sets and Systems (2004-), IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (2019-2022), Progress in Artificial Intelligence (2011-), J. of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intel. Informatics (2007-), Int. J. of Computational Intelligence System (2008-), Information Sciences (2009-2019), Mathware and Soft Computing (2001-2010), EUSFLAT newsletter (Editor, 2005-2009), ACIA Newsletter (Butlletí de l'Associació Catalana d'Intel·ligència Artificial; NODES), Journal of Privacy Technology (2004-2007), Intelligent Decision Technologies (2007-2009?)

Congressos (organització): MDAI 2004-2023 (PC co-chair); AGOP 2017 (chair); SweDS 2016 (chair); PST 2015 and (Privacy track PC co-chair); PSD 2004 (PC co-chair); CCIA 1998 (General chair)

Associacions científiques: EUSFLAT (European Soc. for Fuzzy Logic and Techn.) (board 2001-2009; 2013-2017). ACIA (Assoc. Catalana d'Intel. Artificial) (Founding member, board 1996-2000; president 2010-2014). IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (member 1996-, senior 2003-, fellow 2017-).

La meva recerca My research interests are between computer science and applied mathematics. I am interested in approximate reasoning, data privacy, machine learning (data mining and statistical learning), decision making, data aggregation and information fusion, fuzzy set theory.
My specialization is in data privacy and in approximate reasoning.
In more details:
  • Raonament aproximat: Algunes paraules claus més específiques: operadors d'agregació, sistemes difusos, mètodes probabilístics, funcions de creença. Estic interessat en les propietats dels models esmentats.
  • Privadesa de dades: Paraules claus: Risc de revelació, mètodes de protecció. He treballat en privadesa de dades per matrius i bases de dades estàndard, logs de cerca, documentació textual, i xarxes socials.
  • Fusió i integració d'informació: Tracto els temes relacionats amb la integració d'informació de forma àmplia. Això és, des d'operadors d'agregació com ara el WOWA (Weighted OWA) o les integrals difuses, fins a la integració de bases de dades (per exemple, els algorismes d'enllaç de registres). He estudiat tant aspectes formals (com ara, mesures difuses, escales ordinals, capacitat de modelització) com aspectes pràctics (algorismes per a la determinació de paràmetres). Les aplicacions s'han orientat als temes de privadesa i presa de decisions. Dos papers at RIMS Kokyuroku: Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences a la Universitat de Kyoto:1630-02, 1683-06
  • Categorització (clustering): He aplicat tècniques de categorització a problemes molt diversos, com ara, a problemes de privadesa de dades (microagregació i avaluació de la pèrdua d'informació) i recuperació d'informació. El sistema GAMBAL és una d'aquestes aplicacions. Vegeu:
  • Distribucions de probabilitat: He definit una nova distribució de probabilitat que es basa en la integral de Choquet. aquí (definició, Information Sciences) i aquí (ACUTM).

Biografia 1991. Llicenciat en informàtica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
1992. Llicenciat amb grau en informàtica, UPC
1994. Doctorat en informàtica (Ph.D. Program on AI), UPC
1994. Titular d'escola universitària, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
1994-1995. Sots-director de l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria, URV
1997. Titular d'universitat, URV
1999. Científic titular, IIIA-CSIC
2004. Acreditació de Recerca Avançda (per optar a Catedràtic contractat)
2008. Investigador Científic, IIIA-CSIC
2010. EurAI Fellow (former ECCAI)
2013. ISI Elected member
2014. Professor in Informatics, University of Skövde, Sweden
2016. IEEE Fellow.
2018. Professor, Hamilton Institute, Maynooth University, Ireland.
2020. Professor, Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden.
Papers (selecció) Enllaços a: DBLP, MathSciNet, Scholar Google
Llibres (monografies, selecció): (see above)
Privadesa de dades: (More detailed information and papers on data privacy here )
- N. Senavirathne, V. Torra, Integrally Private Model Selection For Decision Trees, Computers \& Security 83 (2019) 167-181. (here: open access)
- V. Torra, G. Navarro-Arribas, Integral Privacy, Proc. CANS 2016 661-669. (here)
- V. Torra, Constrained Microaggregation: Adding Constraints for Data Editing, Transactions on Data Privacy 1:2 (2008) 86-104. (here)
- J. Nin, J. Herranz, V. Torra, Rethinking rank swapping to decrease disclosure risk, Data & Knowledge Engineering, 64:1 (2008) 346-364. (here)
- J. Domingo-Ferrer, V. Torra, Ordinal, Continuous and Heterogeneous k-Anonymity Through Microaggregation, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 11:2 (2005) 195-212. (here)
- J. Domingo-Ferrer, V. Torra, Disclosure control methods and information loss for microdata, in P. Doyle, J. I. Lane, J. J. M. Theeuwes, L. V. Zayatz (Eds), Confidentiality, Disclosure and Data Access: Theory and Practical Applications for Statistical Agencies, (ISBN:0-444-50761-2, North-Holland, 2001), 91-110. (here)
- J. Domingo-Ferrer, V. Torra, A quantitative comparison of disclosure methods for microdata, in P. Doyle, J. I. Lane, J. J. M. Theeuwes, L. V. Zayatz (Eds), Confidentiality, Disclosure and Data Access: Theory and Practical Applications for Statistical Agencies, (ISBN:0-444-50761-2, North-Holland, 2001), 111-133. (here)
- V. Torra, Y. Narukawa, On network analysis using non-additive integrals: extending the game-theoretic network centrality, Soft Computing 23:7 (2019) 2321-2329. (here)
- V. Torra, A. Jonsson, G. Navarro-Arribas, J. Salas, Synthetic generation of spatial graphs, Int. J. of Intel. Systems 33:12 (2018) 2364-2378. (here)
Fusió / agregació:
- V. Torra, Y. Narukawa, Numerical integration for the Choquet integral, Information Fusion 31 (2016) 137-145. (here)
- D. Abril, V. Torra, G. Navarro-Arribas, Supervised learning using a symmetric bilinear form for record linkage, Information Fusion 26 (2015) 144-153. (here)
- V. Torra, Y. Narukawa, M. Sugeno, On the f-divergence for non-additive measures. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 292 (2016) 364-379. (here)
- Y. Narukawa, V. Torra, Fuzzy measure and probability distributions: distorted probabilities, IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, 13:5 (2005) 617 - 629.
- V. Torra, The Weighted OWA operator, Intl. J. of Intel. Syst., 12 (1997) 153-166. (here)
Recuperació d'informació i categorització:
- V. Torra, S. Miyamoto, S. Lanau, Exploration of textual databases using a fuzzy hierarchical clustering algorithm in the GAMBAL system, Information Processing and Management, 41:3 (2005) 587-598.
Raonament aproximat:
- V. Torra, K. Stokes, A formalization of record linkage and its application to data protection, Int. J. of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 20:6 (2012) 907-919. (here)
- V. Torra, A review on the construction of hierarchical fuzzy systems, Int. J. of Intelligent Systems, 17:5 (2002) 531-543.

Altres Informació addicional sobre projectes, estades, classes, etc.

Last modified: 12 : 09; January 17, 2024.