This pre-workshop has been sucessfully finished!!
The 1st Workshop: November 12, 15:00-18:00
Venue: Ritsumeikan International Peace Museum 3rd floor
Speaker: Amlan Majumder a, b, c Takayoshi Kusagod
Theme: Capability and Women’s Well-being in India and Japan*
Comments: Atsuko Isobe (Kyoto City College of Nurse), Kazuo Okada (graduate student of Ritsumeikan University) (*tentative).
Profiles of lecturers(報告者のプロファイル):
a Visiting Researcher, Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University
b Corresponding author
c Permanent position: Assistant Professor of Economics, Dinhata College (under the University of North Bengal), P. O. Dinhata, Dt. Cooch Behar, West Bengal, Pin. 736135, India.
d Professor, Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University, 3-3-35, Yamate-cho, Suita-shi,
Osaka 564-8680, Japan, Tel/Fax.: +81-6-6368-0398, E-mail: tkusago@kansai-u.ac.jp
Capability approach is a framework for the evaluation of individual welfare in terms of their functionings and capabilities, which are defined as an individual’s actual and potential activities and states of being respectively. Thanks to Amartya Sen when we conceptualise welfare as standard of living or quality of life, our focus of attention shifts from merely income or consumption to a wide range of indicators, which reflect well-being in different dimensions of life. The objective of this presentation is to focus on achievement of Indian and Japanese women within the sphere of reproductive life recognizing freedom of choice in matters of reproduction and its possible interaction with individual and household characteristics as well as economic, social and environmental factors.
The study applies the tools of matrix algebra, fuzzy sets theory and binary-multivariate logit regression analysis to fulfill its objectives utilizing data from Indian National Family Health Survey 2006 and Japanese General Social Survey 2008. We have identified quadruplicate possibilities in regard to achievements in reproductive life, one of which strongly depicts the ideal condition or reproductive freedom. 25.11 % mothers in India and 15.48 % mothers in Japan experience this condition. The similar other condition, which is closely associated with the first too depicts an ideal condition, but somewhat weakly. 11.71 % mothers in India and 14.68 % mothers in Japan experience this situation. Of the remaining two, one surely indicates lack of reproductive freedom. 30.22 % mothers in India and 8.61 % mothers in Japan suffer in this category. The final one shows a condition with peculiarity. It is somewhat opposite to the condition of lack of freedom. 32.97 % mothers in India and 61.24 % mothers in Japan remain in this category. Peculiarity in this category warrants meaningful exploration. Multivariate analyses throw some more light on the conditions described above.
* This work is supported by ‘FY 2010 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researcher (P 10316)’, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, which is submitted to the Ritsumeikan University Kyoto, Japan for proposed presentation in November 2011.
Keywords : Capability approach, Fuzzy sets theory, Reproductive life, Subjective feelings, Women’s well-being
JEL classification: J130, J180
Organizers: International Justice and Symbiosis Center, The Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences & Institute of Language and Culture, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan.
Coordinator: Paul Dumouchel and Reiko Gotoh
Fund: Promotion of Research Internalization, Ritsumeikan, JSPS, “Towards Clinical Application of Capability Approach—A Trial of Well-being Economics—”(「潜在能力アプローチの臨床的適用プログラムの設計――福祉経済学の試み――」基盤研究C).