be timeless
verb as in endure
Example Sentences
I took time out of my life, almost three years out of my life, to be able to dedicate to showing that experience, because I knew it would be timeless.
I guess I was thinking when I was writing it to have it be timeless, too.
“Especially with my music, I wanna be timeless and when I think about low riders, they’re timeless. They’re embedded in L.A. history and culture, so it’s kind of like having an action figure that represents your lineage.”
Visual communication can be timeless, needing no translation.
In chapters that focus on common reasons for forgoing parenthood, Heffington shows that institutions assumed to be timeless and immutable are in fact historical anomalies, whereas practices presumed to be novelties are in fact longtime staples.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.