wear well
verb as in endure
Example Sentences
Hamilton ”advised the president to ‘embrace such reflections and sentiments as will wear well, progress in approbation with time and redound to future reputation.’
Flaccid posturing doesn't wear well on her, but without sparring partners to make her irresistibly despicable, squishiness is all she has.
So let’s talk instead about these rules as examples of why one-size-fits-all advice doesn’t wear well on most people.
But it doesn’t wear well for a laptop that costs $2,699 to start and is kind of marketed as being the all-in-one machine to save you from having to buy so many extra accessories.
“It has been my object to render this act importantly and lastingly useful,” he confided to Washington, “and avoid all just cause of present exception, to embrace such reflections and sentiments as will wear well, progress in approbation with time & redound to future reputation.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.