adjective as in brisk; exhilarating
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Six years on, Chinese businesses are bracing themselves for a sequel now that he is back in the White House.
It's good news for a beleaguered economy and a tech industry that is bracing for further tariffs and the possible sale of TikTok's US business.
Their advocates on both sides of the border are bracing for what they expect will be chaos as Trump orders mass deportations.
After bracing for weeks for a trade war with the US, Canada has - for now - evaded tariffs that Donald Trump threatened to impose on the country as soon as he takes office.
Immigrants rights groups are bracing for widespread roundups and expulsions, holding legal workshops up and down the state in a bid to aid residents who might be stopped by federal authorities.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.