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View definitions for snappy


adjective as in nasty, irritable

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The movie version would make this scene snappier, but here’s the backstory:

They provided the backbone for the general election manifesto, but while their advocates insisted they provided a detailed blueprint for government, critics fretted they lacked retail detail - snappy, understandable, even memorable promises, that were measurable.

From BBC

A break dancer made an Amazon factory a snappy, a happy place for field recording.

The strapline of the Budget will be “fixing the foundations to deliver change” - not exactly the snappiest slogan in history.

From BBC

Guy said his father would generally get rid of animals that were "snappy or nasty" and that the cows in the field had "always acted in a docile manner".

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


