call out
verb as in blurt
verb as in challenge
Strong matches
verb as in exclaim
verb as in page
verb as in shout
verb as in take on
verb as in throw down the gauntlet
Example Sentences
Bradford City Football Club have agreed to support the call out for singers with two community outreach events at Valley Parade in January.
He calls out to the stranger, who he later learns is Stephen Foster, who quickly agrees to take LaBella’s house keys and look for the missing medal.
They also put a call out to stylists for help.
The National Domestic Workers Alliance also put a call out for donations for such workers, “more than half of whom are Black, Latinx, and immigrant women.”
She urged those present "call out the worst violations" of girls' right to education and pointed out that crises in countries including Afghanistan, Yemen and Sudan meant "the entire future of girls is stolen".
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.