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View definitions for chancy


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The third and fourth episodes are premium catnip — the third being the chanciest, since it's a nearly 50-minute look at a sketch that runs five minutes and 42 seconds.

From Salon

From here on, the origin mythology of the astounding new orange is as serendipitous and chancy as the odds of human evolution happening again.

Problems are inevitable, though the path to overcoming them is uncertain, since medical interventions can be chancy.

But as this chancy viewing geometry suggests, most planets will never transit as seen from Earth, which renders them effectively invisible to this workhorse detection technique.

Marlene seemed confident about it back in Boston; but in Salt Lake City she makes the Fireflies’ plan sound chancier.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


