adjective as in corrupt, bad
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- abandoned
- abominable
- amoral
- arch
- atrocious
- bad news
- base
- contemptible
- debased
- degenerate
- depraved
- dissolute
- egregious
- fiendish
- flagitious
- foul
- gross
- guilty
- heartless
- heinous
- immoral
- impious
- incorrigible
- indecent
- iniquitous
- irreligious
- low-down
- mean
- nefarious
- profane
- reprobate
- rotten
- scandalous
- shameful
- shameless
- sinful
- unethical
- unprincipled
- unrighteous
- vile
- worthless
adjective as in destructive, troublesome
Strongest matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
"She was an innocent woman lured to that flat to die," she added, so the pair could act out their "bloodthirsty and wicked fantasy".
There is a wicked solidarity in shared grief.
The judge, Lord Braid, told the killers: "You have all been convicted of what can only be described as a brutal, depraved and, above all, wicked murder."
He doesn't think Walker was mentally ill, he was "just a wicked guy".
The second tribute described Mr Swaffer, 53, as someone who loved aviation and had a "wicked sense of humour".
When To Use
What are other ways to say wicked?
Wicked implies willful and determined doing of what is very wrong: a wicked plan. Evil applies to that which violates or leads to the violation of moral law: evil practices. Ill now appears mainly in certain fixed expressions, with a milder implication than that in evil: ill will; ill-natured. Bad is the broadest and simplest term: a bad man; bad habits.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.