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View definitions for duplication


noun as in counterfeiting

noun as in ditto

noun as in simulation

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Officials use a variety of sources to collate the number of pilgrims but they admit there is a possibility of some duplication.

From BBC

This would allow them "to work closer together, to rip out duplication, simplify the management of track and train and create greater accountability".

From BBC

The mutations, known as copy number alterations, involve the duplication or loss of large segments of DNA.

Soybeans have experienced two whole-genome duplication events throughout their history, both several millions of years ago.

"It quickly became apparent that there was a real potential for duplication for forces as victims were reporting multiple offenders across different geographical areas."

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


