adjective as in representing
Strong matches
noun as in emulation
noun as in imitation
Strong matches
noun as in simulation
Strongest match
Strong matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
He is known as “The Little Solution,” mirroring his father’s nickname and skill for deciphering opponents and finding the solution for beating them in the ring.
Jonathan Reynolds told the BBC such an agreement - which lowers all trade barriers in return for mirroring EU rules and standards - would not cross the government's red lines.
The dance came into fashion in the late 18th century and became a phenomenon in the 19th by mirroring a newly emerging sense of social freedom.
A few seconds later, he said, he spotted a patrol cruiser following close behind him without its lights or sirens on, mirroring his every turn.
In this way the parent is mirroring the child’s internal experience, and the new results now reveal that this influences the infant’s oxytocin system as well.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.