adjective as in representing
Strong matches
noun as in acting
Strong matches
Weak matches
- play acting
- showing off
Example Sentences
It’s delightfully lacking in nuance, portraying every last French person as a mime or a beret-wearing wino speaking broken, heavily accented French.
Raspy voiced Pierce Brosnan presented the award along with the animated Mode, who strolled onto the stage and interacted with the actor, who had recently concluded his run portraying James Bond.
Grounding the film meant looking for nonprofessionals for roles beyond the experienced actors portraying her leads.
There are also efforts to erase the history of feminism, falsely portraying suffragist leaders as hostile to a woman's right to bodily autonomy.
“Squid Game” is a giant metaphor portraying the way late-stage capitalism siphons the labor, life force and health of the masses into the coffers of the rich.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.