fat cat
noun as in wealthy person
adjective as in rich
Example Sentences
From corporate fat cats cutting jobs to AI software to humanities programs getting slashed in higher education, the assault on engaging with our world, and on engaging with art is in full effect.
Though the series is ultimately inspiring, as stories of little guys taking on fat cats usually are — it’s a sentimental film tradition — the dominant tone is one of frustration.
All I had was a claw-picking fat cat napping on my bed, and I could barely keep my room clean.
“The Koch network has invested tremendous capital to overturn long standing legal precedent known as Chevron deference, which would handcuff regulators and serve the interests of corporate fat cats,” Mr. Durbin said.
Typically sure-footed media titans found themselves on unfamiliar ground — portrayed as out-of-touch corporate fat cats.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.