rolling in it
adjective as in rich
adjective as in wealthy
adjective as in well-to-do
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Example Sentences
Written by Australian songwriters George Young and Harry Vanda and produced by John Carter, the previously unreleased song never made the final cut of "Private Dancer" and, according to CNN, it's "unclear" how it got lost but, judging by the reviews rolling in, it's a happy mystery that it found its way back to us.
After stripping, he clothed himself in a plaid scarf by laying it on the floor and rolling in it.
We do know one thing for sure, though: If Hollywood could control what is and isn’t a box-office hit, many of this summer’s disappointing “blockbusters” would be rolling in it.
“I moved from Atlanta to San Francisco last April and immediately noticed the giant Bernal Heights Hill looming from outside our window. I’ve gone up to see an amazing view of the city on clear days and gorgeous scenes of the fog rolling in. It’s become my favorite place to go for walks, running among the dogs also out for a walk and be reminded of how beautiful my new state is.”
Those companies "are now rolling in it," Sorvino writes in the first chapter.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.