going easy on
adjective as in compassionate
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adjective as in forbearing
adjective as in indulgent
adjective as in lenient
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- allowing
- amiable
- assuaging
- assuasive
- being big
- benignant
- charitable
- clement
- complaisant
- condoning
- easy
- easygoing
- emollient
- excusing
- favoring
- forbearing
- gentle
- good-natured
- humoring
- kind
- kindly
- letting
- live with
- loving
- merciful
- mild
- mollycoddling
- obliging
- pampering
- pardoning
- permitting
- soft
- soft-shell
- softhearted
- sparing
- spoiling
- tender
- yielding
noun as in forbearance
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
He lambasted President Biden not for going easy on Israel, as leftist critics charge, but for applying pressure on Israel at all.
Adele is going easy on herself, per doctor’s orders.
Garland said the president has never tried to meddle in the investigations, and he dismissed criticism from Republicans that he was going easy on the president’s son, Hunter, who was recently indicted on a gun charge after a plea deal in his tax case fell apart.
During a House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday, the Kentucky Republican accused Garland and federal prosecutors of going easy on a one-time Donald Trump supporter who conspiracy theorists have baselessly accused of secretly working with the federal authorities to incite the riots.
Lorie Mohs is another family member who said Ms. Price is going easy on her son’s accused killer.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.