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View definitions for benign


adjective as in mild, especially describing weather

adjective as in advantageous

adjective as in not cancerous

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The messaging on the banners was often fairly benign – they didn't want to attract the attention of police or counter-protesters.

From BBC

They also had an increased incidence of benign tumors and growths that can be precursors to cancer.

"Historically the UK has had a benign climate. Spending millions preparing for an unlikely event has been hard to justify."

From BBC

In a chapter on hedgehogs, Rundell writes of how these “delicate, erudite-looking” critters are threatened by something seemingly benign: the popular Guy Fawkes Day bonfires in England.

From Salon

"I was really shocked when I was told it was a tumour. I was relived to hear it was benign but he told me if I don't get it out it could turn cancerous."

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


