adjective as in comforting, soft, warm
Strongest matches
Strong match
Weak matches
cuddled up, easeful, in clover, in velvet, on bed of roses, restful, secure, sheltered, snug as bug in rug, snuggled down, tucked up
Example Sentences
The emotional labor needed to deal with 2025 is like a rotten, toxic relationship, and I’d rather hide out in my cozy apartment from the looming monster.
To deputies, sheriff’s stations — especially a cozy one like Altadena, where there are only about 40 deputies — can feel like a safe haven.
Breakfast is served daily, and the warm, cozy atmosphere makes this the perfect spot for a romantic getaway not far from Boston, Providence, and Hartford.
It’s just not as cozy, just a little harder but still fits; I wear it to sleep sometimes.
Whatever industry shocks are still to come for the composing and film music scene in L.A., the experience of being around like minds in a cozy home to play for each other is a lifeline.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.