noun as in gaiety
Strong matches
- animation
- blitheness
- brightness
- brilliance
- cheer
- color
- conviviality
- effervescence
- elation
- entertainment
- exhilaration
- festivity
- frolic
- fun
- geniality
- gladness
- glee
- gleefulness
- glitter
- grins
- hilarity
- jocoseness
- jocosity
- jocularity
- jocundity
- jolliness
- jollity
- joyousness
- lightheartedness
- liveliness
- merriment
- merriness
- merrymaking
- mirth
- mirthfulness
- pleasantness
- radiance
- revel
- revelry
- shindig
- showiness
- sparkle
- sport
- sprightliness
- vivacity
- whoopee
Example Sentences
He coupled his counsel with joviality and a scratchy, infectious laugh that took some of the sting out of his sometimes-unwelcome advice.
“And there was kind of a pall from the joviality and it quieted down… In a sense, I hope that the players themselves took that to say, ‘You know, we do have to do something.’”
A classmate at the time said she had turned the school "in completely the opposite direction" during the election, using her "personality, joviality and optimism".
The bright, colorful animations — arguments and fights are in surreal landscapes — add a sense of joviality to the proceedings.
One Christmas obligation is to bring tidings of comfort to those who, because they are suffering, find the obligatory joviality of the season off-putting and depressing.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.