good spirits
noun as in felicity
noun as in happiness
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in joyfulness
Strong matches
- beatitude
- blessedness
- bliss
- cheer
- cheerfulness
- content
- contentment
- delectation
- delight
- delirium
- ecstasy
- elation
- enchantment
- enjoyment
- euphoria
- exhilaration
- exuberance
- felicity
- gaiety
- geniality
- gladness
- glee
- hilarity
- hopefulness
- joviality
- joy
- jubilation
- laughter
- lightheartedness
- merriment
- mirth
- optimism
- paradise
- playfulness
- pleasure
- prosperity
- rejoicing
- sanctity
- vivacity
noun as in rapture
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
After a night of sleep, she awoke in good spirits and let medical staffers scratch her chin.
Overall, Gibson seemed in good spirits, marveling at the fact that the chickens he keeps weren't burned in the fire, and joking that he was ready for a fresh start.
"He remains in good spirits and deeply appreciates the excellent care he is receiving," Angel Ureña wrote on X, formerly Twitter.
The revival’s inviting playfulness keeps us in good spirits.
He has such an infectious, positive spirit and it put everyone else in good spirits.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.