make better
verb as in cure
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“How can we protect these essential species if we’re missing the basic information needed to make better decisions?”
He is keen the town and the wider community in Highland Perthshire make better use of the theatre – and not just for plays.
In an attempt to make better sense of the emotional dimension of Trump’s return to power and the collective feelings of mourning, grief, fear and overall distress that many tens of millions of Americans are likely experiencing, I recently spoke to Dr. Gail Christopher, an award-winning social change agent and author with expertise in the social determinants of health and well-being.
We must leverage these resources to help us make better decisions in the mid-term congressional elections in two years, as well as with our state and local government leaders.
In an attempt to make better sense of the emotional dimension of Trump’s return to power and the collective feelings of mourning, grief, fear and overall distress that many tens of millions of Americans are likely experiencing, I recently spoke to Dr. Gail Christopher, an award-winning social change agent and author with expertise in the social determinants of health and well-being and related public policies.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.