make strides
verb as in cover ground
Weak matches
verb as in improve
Strongest matches
Strong matches
verb as in progress
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
“We make strides and progress, and yet the facts don’t lie. That’s what was so harrowing about last night — a win happened, an actual win that was undeniable. That is a f— sweeping event that occurred. It means that many people really hate that many people.”
Sam’s Club is looking to make strides with a brand-new store location that will completely remove checkout counters.
Trump could make strides with female suburban voters by directly addressing their concerns about his personality, according to political experts.
The casino disagreement comes as landless tribes and tribes on reservations make strides toward reclaiming and co-managing stolen territory in California.
But he appeared to make strides on the second day, Thursday, casting doubt on details of Cohen's testimony, including an October 2016 phone call Cohen made to Mr Trump's bodyguard in which he claimed to have to talked to Mr Trump about details of the hush-money payment.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.